Somebody had better call poor Al Gore. The only thing melting appears to be his man-made global warming theory. And we all know the amount of power globalist forces will lose if the theory of man-made global warming turns out to be a dud.
To call the theory of global warming an emotional and divisive one is to make a huge understatement. In terms of issues that create turmoil, it must be in the top five internationally. And that’s understandable considering what’s at stake. If global warming is really happening to the degree that proponents claim, the consequences will eventually be catastrophic. And if this global warming is man-made, it makes things even more urgent.
On the other hand, if this theory is wrong, then at least we’ve got an incredible regulatory burden that’s all for nothing. More likely is that the whole global warming thing is just a ruse for empowering globalist organizations, primarily financed by US taxpayers. Given that one-world government exponents and other flavors of globalists are eager to find any excuse to advance their causes, it would actually be a surprise if they were not
More likely is that the whole global warming thing is just a ruse for empowering globalist organizations, primarily financed by US taxpayers. Given that one-world government exponents and other flavors of globalists are eager to find any excuse to advance their causes, it would actually be a surprise if the alleged climate change crisis were not just a ruse to increase taxes and empower global elites.
More on recent discoveries on page two.
We’ll there’s an actual website to sign up . If it’s still available. Google it .
We’ll there’s an actual website to sign up . If it’s still available. Google it .
A web site to have conversation and discuss stuff and get played, nice Sign me up
Who cares we all going to die one day so live life
How many they take to hospital for frostbite.happens everything snow an ice is melting!
We already knew they (the climate change pundits) Lie!
The ice caps will be gone and both coasts will be under water by 2013! — Wait! — What!? — It’s 2017 and the ice caps are growing!? — Um,, NEVER MIND.
In the 1970s it was “the coming ice age” that was going to freeze us all out. Then they decided it was “global warming” that was going to roast us all. Now its “climate change”, because they can’t figure out what to call it to perpetuate the phony crisis.
So far NOT ONE prediction from the climatological prophets of doom has come to pass, and Al Gore has been conspicuous by his silence for the last few years. It looks like he may have “AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH” of his own to deal with. There’s far more money and politics involved here than science. If there is any man made global warming it’s caused by all the bloated hot air belched by the pseudo scientists and celebrities trying to perpetuate this farce.
Did you ever notice that the people who scream the loudest about “climate change” are the ones who have the biggest “carbon footprint”? Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, etc.
… and still the myth will be shoved down our throats .. and we’ll be taxed for it ..
It will get hot enough, soon enough! (H)