Somebody had better call poor Al Gore. The only thing melting appears to be his man-made global warming theory. And we all know the amount of power globalist forces will lose if the theory of man-made global warming turns out to be a dud.
To call the theory of global warming an emotional and divisive one is to make a huge understatement. In terms of issues that create turmoil, it must be in the top five internationally. And that’s understandable considering what’s at stake. If global warming is really happening to the degree that proponents claim, the consequences will eventually be catastrophic. And if this global warming is man-made, it makes things even more urgent.
On the other hand, if this theory is wrong, then at least we’ve got an incredible regulatory burden that’s all for nothing. More likely is that the whole global warming thing is just a ruse for empowering globalist organizations, primarily financed by US taxpayers. Given that one-world government exponents and other flavors of globalists are eager to find any excuse to advance their causes, it would actually be a surprise if they were not
More likely is that the whole global warming thing is just a ruse for empowering globalist organizations, primarily financed by US taxpayers. Given that one-world government exponents and other flavors of globalists are eager to find any excuse to advance their causes, it would actually be a surprise if the alleged climate change crisis were not just a ruse to increase taxes and empower global elites.
More on recent discoveries on page two.
Seems like you guys are only taking bit and pieces of it and screaming hoax. There’s plenty of evidence to support claims made climate scientists. Al gore is right, although he is not a scientist and you shouldn’t takes sides on this matter based on HIS documentary. There thousands of other research documents and documentaries out there made by REAL scientists that present many more facts.
I find it hard to believe that it is a huge “wealth transfer scheme” when most people aren’t even buying into the products that are produced because of it, whether they believe it or not.
America should lead the way….that’s kind of the point of use being a world leader.
All weather reports are adjusted, just as statistics are. That doesn’t mean they have been completely fabricated to serve an elitist agenda.
James Tisdell that IS a lot of money??…….I don’t follow?
Jeneann Jacobson Wilson polar bears have been bred in captivity to increase their population just as we have always done.
Gore is not a scientist so you could hardly trust the timeframes he gives you. Plenty of other research out there by real scientists. NASA and the IPCC provide tons of data on this matter on their website.
I believe the theory is that as global temperatures rise on average, that our planets ability to regulate and maintain steady temperatures and weather will diminish.
One example for worry is that summers in many regions will become so hot and dry that they will no longer be able to produce crops.
Only a fool believes in God. There’s more evidence to support the theory of climate change than there is the existence of an all powerful being.
How do you figure progressive views are about taking down the working class? A true progressive would slap higher taxes on the wealthy and corporate entities and leave a mediocre or lower tax on the middle and lower class. They fight for things like reduced or largely tuition free higher education. Clintons aside, they usually push equality in all areas and oppose the mass incarceration of nonviolent offenders.
Global warming, al gore is as big a lier as obama
Examine each of those goals in terms of where the benefactors will be in 10,20 and longer years. Free college? A quick review of the curriculum over the past 40 years lends credibility to tech schools far more than expansive specialty programs that cannot develop products and services. The transition to entertainment and the arts requires more and more components of the survival basics by those who are capable of developing cash flow hopefully encouraged back into the flow of goods and services and perhaps then and only then does free training and pursuit of the other medium make sense in the long run. I heard those same professors indulging in sociological thesis research with the value of educatiOn for all. Russian has far more college graduates in the sciences than America. Yet they cannot employ these new entries into the marketplace. As someone who did the fulltime media and 6 years of college this selling of the concerns for the less fortunate is primarily a deduction of good people to stand behind the candidates and tax our way into equal playing fields. Free enterprise works when there is a consistent moral code, a majority of people who live for the hope for tomorrow for their children and the children of others. The other models fall when the top of the crop grabs the power reins and finds ways to seduce chunks of the people into getting high on pleasure and blaming their problems on everything but the lack of motivation to work and enjoy the fruit of our labors. Best place to differentiate live giving substances really is The Bible. Good questions you offered. Locking people up in our system is sadistic given the keepers of the keys. Prisons are just one example of the true crime of our people not wanting to be part of a spiritual and moral fiber movement.
Nasa has said there’s more ice now