Somebody had better call poor Al Gore. The only thing melting appears to be his man-made global warming theory. And we all know the amount of power globalist forces will lose if the theory of man-made global warming turns out to be a dud.
To call the theory of global warming an emotional and divisive one is to make a huge understatement. In terms of issues that create turmoil, it must be in the top five internationally. And that’s understandable considering what’s at stake. If global warming is really happening to the degree that proponents claim, the consequences will eventually be catastrophic. And if this global warming is man-made, it makes things even more urgent.
On the other hand, if this theory is wrong, then at least we’ve got an incredible regulatory burden that’s all for nothing. More likely is that the whole global warming thing is just a ruse for empowering globalist organizations, primarily financed by US taxpayers. Given that one-world government exponents and other flavors of globalists are eager to find any excuse to advance their causes, it would actually be a surprise if they were not
More likely is that the whole global warming thing is just a ruse for empowering globalist organizations, primarily financed by US taxpayers. Given that one-world government exponents and other flavors of globalists are eager to find any excuse to advance their causes, it would actually be a surprise if the alleged climate change crisis were not just a ruse to increase taxes and empower global elites.
More on recent discoveries on page two.
“But these effects are very small, and Antarctic sea-ice levels have increased only marginally. In the coming decades, climate models suggest rising global temperatures will overwhelm the other influences and cause Antarctic sea ice to scale back, too.”
Think people. Why do you believe most Republicans are deniers and not most Democrats? Which party do the fossil fuel Barons of Destruction support $$$-wise?
More B. S. by uhhh let me think oh yes, of course by s DEMOCRAT
Wow-so you mean climate change was just a scam?? lol do your research people and this wouldn’t have been a surprise-Al Gore made millions with this scam…
Mike pave volcanos turn out more c**p than man ever can !! God said their always be four seasons ,spring summer fall and winter !!! The earth constantly goes thru cycles always has always will !! We live maybe 80.90 yrs , in our life time that’s not even a second !!! God gave us these fuels to use ,yes man abuses them but this planet will clean itself maybe not in our life time but overtime it will !!!
imagine that
Global warming is a lie
The latest temperature data shows cooling supporting the theory that the 13 year cycle of sun spits cause heating spells and when they disappear., cooling spells….there is already a couple of ‘scientists’ claiming again, like in the 70’s, another mini ice age is coming……holy c**p….hahahahahahalollol
Global cooling, global warming and now the say climent change is a global scam so the super rich get even richer.. The scientists that say it is a concern have been threatened with their lives and family and/or paid off to say that it is true.. But the truth is out there that says it is a big scam.. Al gore is a POS that is pushing lies.. This$#%&!@*is the head of all this b******t in order to get rich off this scam and all of his predictions have never come true and has been proven to be just that, a scam and b******t.. And for him to come out and say all the c**p he says, one would be embarrassed to lie like he does.. The globalists want all of us to believe their BS just so they can tax Countries on false science.. Don’t be a fool and believe their lies..