Somebody had better call poor Al Gore. The only thing melting appears to be his man-made global warming theory. And we all know the amount of power globalist forces will lose if the theory of man-made global warming turns out to be a dud.
To call the theory of global warming an emotional and divisive one is to make a huge understatement. In terms of issues that create turmoil, it must be in the top five internationally. And that’s understandable considering what’s at stake. If global warming is really happening to the degree that proponents claim, the consequences will eventually be catastrophic. And if this global warming is man-made, it makes things even more urgent.
On the other hand, if this theory is wrong, then at least we’ve got an incredible regulatory burden that’s all for nothing. More likely is that the whole global warming thing is just a ruse for empowering globalist organizations, primarily financed by US taxpayers. Given that one-world government exponents and other flavors of globalists are eager to find any excuse to advance their causes, it would actually be a surprise if they were not
More likely is that the whole global warming thing is just a ruse for empowering globalist organizations, primarily financed by US taxpayers. Given that one-world government exponents and other flavors of globalists are eager to find any excuse to advance their causes, it would actually be a surprise if the alleged climate change crisis were not just a ruse to increase taxes and empower global elites.
More on recent discoveries on page two.
Soooo Florida isn’t gonna Flood out next year?????? …….Gore said it would!!! Ya know
Wow. You know a hundred years ago when global warming got so bad because of mans carbon footprint. Yeah. Ummm….
Yes. It is a huge wealth transfer scheme.
Global warming….ROFL.!!! If it was so real they wouldnt have to doctor their weather studies (caught lying TWICE!!!!) And if it was so real and Gore such a wise high priest why is electric bill in 4 and 5 digits? You could power a small town with the power he consumes. And when China and India start getting even remotely close to our already high environmental standards then maybe we’ll talk!! Why America has to implement BILLIONS of dollars of regulations when huge portions of the planet are years behind us is beyond me.
Imagine that!
Guys guys guys, it’s global climate change. Not warming. That means the temperature will fluctuate up and down throughout the year. The rest of us have referred to them seasons for awhile now, but there are still liber …. err I mean suckers out there for people to take advantage of. The whole religion angle doesn’t work on everyone after all.
There has always been warming and cooling that why you guy changed it from warming to change also how many polar bears now aren’t they suppose to be an extinction of them by now
Thomas F Rotenberry, yes there are warming and cooling cycles but, with the gigantic increase in CO2 in the last century, we have actually destroyed a big part of the Earth’s filter that filters the sun and its melting the ozone causing rising Ocean levels which in turn cause a massive flooding and weird weather patterns. 8 of the last ten years have been the hottest ever recorded since they began keeping records over a century ago. If your interested, watch the documentary “inconvenient truth” it really sheds the light about the science behind climate change.
And it’s snowing right now in Hawaii!