The Hines VA hospital in Chicago has multiple secret waiting lists to hide delays in patient care for our veterans.
We’ve already seen this happen in Phoenix, where upwards of 40 veterans died due to the wait times, now a whistleblower has come forward in Chicago.
VA executives get bonuses based on short wait times, so they commit this fraud, which is literally killing our veterans!
What does Eric Holder say about all this? “But I don’t have any announcements at this time with regard to anything that the Justice Department is doing,” Holder told reporters. “This is something on our radar screen at this point, but there is an investigation being done by the [VA] inspector general, and we’ll see what happens as a result of that inquiry and other information that comes to light in some form or fashion,” Holder also stated.
So Holder is doing nothing – going to let the people of the VA be their own police. Big surprise right?
This administration has been throwing vets under the bus all along – like seeing them shut out of the Veterans Memorial during the gov’t shutdown when it would have been easier to let them in, stating they can’t own guns if they are ‘financially incompetent’, reducing their pensions while increasing money to illegals, discrimination against vets by the DOE, bills to introduce a “Veteran Registry” and notify their community if they own a gun, etc etc.
Of course these traitors in Washington instinctively subvert our veterans, who are a threat as they swore to defend this country against enemies, foreign and domestic.
And, one veteran may prove their fears valid. Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret. will be marching on Washington in just 2 DAYS with millions of Americans. “Operation American Spring” scheduled for May 16th 2014, is staged for the removal of Obama, Pelosi, Holder and other politicians that have violated our Constitution, and for the restoration of our republic.
God speed patriots!
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Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday that the Department of Justice doesn’t have any plans to investigate allegations that veterans placed on secret waiting lists at VA hospitals died while waiting for care.
“Well, obviously these reports if they’re true are unacceptable, and the allegations are being taken very seriously by the administration. But I don’t have any announcements at this time with regard to anything that the Justice Department is doing,” Holder told reporters at a press conference.
“This is something on our radar screen at this point, but there is an investigation being done by the [VA] inspector general, and we’ll see what happens as a result of that inquiry and other information that comes to light in some form or fashion,” Holder added.
According to CNN, at least 40 veterans died while waiting for treatment at one VA hospital in Phoenix. Members of Congress have said in recent weeks that the inspector general investigation is inadequate and have called on the DOJ to launch its own investigation.
“Because these cases involve individuals working in their capacity as federal employees, and these incidents have occurred at federal facilities throughout the nation, I urge you to work with the state Attorneys General in Arizona and across the country to investigate these preventable deaths thoroughly, determine appropriate criminal charges, and prosecute the offenders accordingly,” Rep. Tom Rooney, a Republican of Florida, wrote in a letter to Holder on May 1.
Holder’s announcement that the DOJ doesn’t currently have any plans to investigate the VA hospital scandal was made Tuesday afternoon at a press conference held to announce that the DOJ was filing a lawsuit against lenders under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, which caps interest rates on student loans at 6 percent for members of the military.
“We are here to announce a landmark step forward in our effort to achieve justice for victims of improper lending practices–and to protect the men and women of America’s armed services from anyone who would take advantage of those who wear the uniform,” Holder said.
selfish, greedy slugs, throw them in jail for murder!
Egyptians send a letter to Obama and NATO:
Dear Obama and NATO: Why you do not make war on terrorism against Islamic Free Army in the East of Libya now? Why you are waiting till they invade Egypt, then you shall claim suddenly that Egypt became a terrorist country, that should be striken by US-NATO? Why are you sending all terrorist and jihadist militias of all kinds, nationalities and names, from all over the world to the East of Libya, at the West borders of Egypt? Why are you funiding, training, arming and leading these terrorist and jihadist assassins, by the hands of your officers? Why they are supplied with modern US-NATO weapons, and spying drones? Why are you sending them to African and Asian countries to kill Christians, then you send your troops to occupy these countries? Why are using chemtrails and HAARP, to create climate disasters in Egypt and Arab countries who support Egypt? Why are you planning for a destructive earthquake and to activate a volcano in the Delta o Egypt, soon? Why are you supporting Muslim Brotherhood, who are the trunk from which all terrorist and jihadist militias originated? Why are you planning to kill Elsisi, and why are you supporting Sabahi, who is a sleeping cell of Muslim Brotherhood, to become the next Egyptian President? Why are you threatening Dr Tawfik Okasha, who is known as the Egyptian Alex Jones, who owns the most popular TV channel, Faraeen, which exposed your conspiracy? Why are you planning to prevent Presidential Elections in Egypt by all means? And finally, why have you killed Chrsitopher Stevens in Benghazi by the hands of Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood? Why Muslim Brotherhood are blackmailing you? And why have you stolen secret documents from the US Embassy there? Because Christopher Stevens attempted to expose US-NATO creating the Islamic Free Army in Libya, to spread jihad? Yes, exactly!
I have been to a VA with my father in TX. The Dr.s are simply a joke from another country(they cannot even hire American Dr.s). I would NOT take my dog to one of these facilities!
Obama just needs to go on back to Kenya where he belongs
Holder should should be labeled bore tite!!!!!!
Obama morons , vets dieing because of him
This is bull $#%&!@*
:Holder is incompetent to do his job. He has many conflicts of interest in protecting criminals (all democrats)l who he supports and loves. Traitor to America, hero for the Muslims.
As if CBS News actually cared about this story?