The officers were responding to a disturbance call at a 99 Cent Only Store, when the gunman approached the vehicle and fired three shots. He wounded one officer and then took off on foot.
Two officers were inside a patrol vehicle that was responding to a disturbance call at a nearby 99-Cent Only Store, McMahill said.
Metro police Sgt. John Sheahan elaborated the shooter walked up to the patrol vehicle that was stopped in the left turn lane of northbound Nellis at the time.
One shot struck the window of the vehicle followed by two more shots. The shots resulted in the officer sitting in the passenger seat being wounded in the hand, according to McMahill.
The investigation is still underway, and more should be known soon. The wounded officer was taken to a hospital to treat his non-life threatening injuries. With more cases like this popping up all over the country, it goes to show you that something needs to be done before it escalates further.
What’s ironic is this is a deliberate destabilization of our social/moral fiber. With the age of social media the people of this country finally have a platform in which to coordinate a new government. Electing officials free from corruption of the elitists/oligarchs/big pharma/big oil/military industrial complex/banksters/main stream media/ etc etc… Divide and conquer works!! This is just proof…
While us ‘lower cl$#%&!@*’ kill and riot and loot the power players make their moves. We are playing right into check mate!!
The other irony is whatever form it takes… WWIII or martial law or NWO… The blacks and whites of this country will only have each other…
Also… According to my religion (science) the only difference between blacks and whites is skin pigmentation. Our genetic composition is a 95% match. Like a pitbull is a pitbull! Blue black or white. Aaaaaaaand… On a long enough timeline we are all brothers and sisters. Our skin color and appearance has changed over the ages to adapt to surrounding environments.
C’mon maaaaaan!!!!
Should be open season on every thug! Or better yet,
2 behind the ear,
Ambushing the police an then killing should be reprimanded immediately.
Wake up people
You liked my comment. You must agree with it on some level. If you honestly believe that Black Lives Matter is anything other than a hate group a la Black Panthers then the watered down opinion show called MSNBC has you more brainwashedthan most.
hey people are guna break the law regardless police’s jobs is to apprehend the suspect so they have their day in court not be judge jury and executioner these cops forget that. and what about when people aren’t doing anything and get stopped and frisked for no reason just because of the color of their skin when they haven’t committed a crime at all? cops will kill u even if u haven’t committed a crime like I said before they escalate situations instead of deescalating them just so they can arrest people so they get more fines and make more money for the state
and 12% is more than the .0001 percent the police is
Robert Clinton Tucker you think that cops defending themselves against a rebellion is the issue? Police heavy handedness, aggorance and lying are a the forefront. Shooting ppl in the back and such and then plantings tazers on them and fabricating a report.
God bless and save our officers