GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is now underfire by an enemy from the darkest corners of the Internet.
Having targeted groups like ISIS and the Ku Klux Klan in the past, many might think it strange that Anonymous, the infamous hacktivist collective, has chosen to focus it’s attention on Trump, who hasn’t murdered anybody or endorsed acts of violence like these groups.
Yet, the group felt it necessary to condemn the Republican candidate, issuing a video in which the speaker, wearing the Guy Fawkes mask associated with Anonymous, criticized his plan to place a temporary halt on Muslim immigration into the US, ominously stating, “Donald Trump, think twice before you speak anything. You have been warned.” The speaker never clarifies what Trump has been “warned” of in the video, making one wonder (and worry) what the controversial group has in store for him.
See the video for yourself on page 2:
Please spend more time checking on Killary’s Benghazi murders mr. anonymous, u r a f**e.
P***y behind mask ?
Go after hillary and obama for creating isis not trump for telling people how it is. people get so offended these days.
I don’t understand why anonymous is’t supporting Trump. Guess your not Americans. You,ve lost my support then.
Why doesn’t Anonymous stick with taking down ISIS? Why aren’t they hacking into Hillary’s background? Better yet, obama? Can they hack into Scytl voting software? I’m sure the Soros group left a backdoor open.
Anonymous is not above the law.
Threats made by this group should be taken very seriously. They should be hunted down for being outside the law.
those shameful (face-covered) Anonymous trying to play God… why struggling to get out of their mom’s basements. LMAO.
Watch out for that jerk Trump
Wake up anonymous is CIA operative
If Anonymous really had Americans best interests at the top if his list he would take the problem dowon . That would be the obamas ,and clintons to start . Until he takes those actions all he is to me is an attention hog . And his 15 min is up ….. smh