GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is now underfire by an enemy from the darkest corners of the Internet.
Having targeted groups like ISIS and the Ku Klux Klan in the past, many might think it strange that Anonymous, the infamous hacktivist collective, has chosen to focus it’s attention on Trump, who hasn’t murdered anybody or endorsed acts of violence like these groups.
Yet, the group felt it necessary to condemn the Republican candidate, issuing a video in which the speaker, wearing the Guy Fawkes mask associated with Anonymous, criticized his plan to place a temporary halt on Muslim immigration into the US, ominously stating, “Donald Trump, think twice before you speak anything. You have been warned.” The speaker never clarifies what Trump has been “warned” of in the video, making one wonder (and worry) what the controversial group has in store for him.
See the video for yourself on page 2:
So much for the freedom of speech!
Haha that’s funny Trump Train!
Go trump
They paid buy the government there is more going on then we know or will ever understand but i feel like all this isis and anonymous is just media propaganda to cover up some more sinister in our future
Is anonymous really the NSA?
I hate to interrupt, but you do realize you don’t have a photo revealing your face either right?
Makes no sense to me if they say they’re against Isis terrorists while criticizing Trump for wanting our government to come up with a more legitimate way of excepting immigrants.
The Don will probably offer million dollar salaries to hackers to counter strike.
Anonymous is a CIA operation.
I think its because at first Trump wanted to deport them all and now he is playing a different tune about deporting the one that are already here