Anonymous has called Trump an “enemy of the Constitution” and has launched an an attack, declaring “total war”, on the GOP front-runner. The hacker group has released Trump’s social security number, as well as his phone number.
Posting personal information about Trump online, information that USA Today states can be found online, Anonymous is using their hacking skills to try to defame and defeat Trump.
Recently a video was released by Anonymous, calling people to action stating, “it was time to stop the ‘forces of evil, bigotry and fascism that have come to the forefront of this election cycle.’”
We certainly live in a brave new world, where a hacking group can steal and spread information about anyone. “Hactivists”, such as Anonymous, may not block the roadways into Trump rallies, or physically threaten those who support Trump, but their protesting activities do have an effect upon anyone they set their sights on.
Check out more about Anonymous’ anti-Trump protestation on the next page.
Anonymous? Have the Balls to show your face Chicken$#%&!@*
Come on, fight the real criminals. I used to respect Anonymous, no longer.
Sounds like journalism. Not a hacked leak.
He is ashamed to show his face and dose not have the balls to do this in person
But not Hillary with her lies and secret e mail and bengazi? I’m cool on anon.
Put obamas name in place of Trump.
You are the enemy! Vote trump and you can crawl back into the hole you came out from!
Who the$#%&!@*made anonymous the keepers of the constitution? I guess I missed that memo.
Who ever said this hasn’t noticed Obama.
Anonymous is probably one of Cruz or Hillary’s people. Let’s see your face! Nothing but a coward would hid their face! I don’t know why you post anything nobody is interested in reading what you have to say. I didn’t read this post, just saw that stupid cowardly mask and couldn’t resist saying something.