Anonymous has called Trump an “enemy of the Constitution” and has launched an an attack, declaring “total war”, on the GOP front-runner. The hacker group has released Trump’s social security number, as well as his phone number.
Posting personal information about Trump online, information that USA Today states can be found online, Anonymous is using their hacking skills to try to defame and defeat Trump.
Recently a video was released by Anonymous, calling people to action stating, “it was time to stop the ‘forces of evil, bigotry and fascism that have come to the forefront of this election cycle.’”
We certainly live in a brave new world, where a hacking group can steal and spread information about anyone. “Hactivists”, such as Anonymous, may not block the roadways into Trump rallies, or physically threaten those who support Trump, but their protesting activities do have an effect upon anyone they set their sights on.
Check out more about Anonymous’ anti-Trump protestation on the next page.
Asshole speak!
anon is the anti-Constitutional Trumpophobic little cry baby wimp$#%&!@*bitch
If you represented Good you would be promoting Donald Trump and supporting his efforts! You are demonstrating just how weak minded Anonymous really is!
O had everything going for him . They trusted him and he betrayed them. Yet he told everyne exactly what he would do. The only truth he ever told us.
I do not agree with you this time anonymous
F##K Anonymous, Get some Balls and Show your Face !!
This is a Soros plot! DO NOT BELIEVE IT!
Anonymous I’m realy disappointed in you. Its evident that you have some sort of intelligence or so it seems,but now I’m questioning your intelligence, you see, trump is not the problem,trump is the result of the problem which is our own career politicians, they are the reason trump is thriving. I would have though you could discern this. But maybe growing up as a computer nerd is all you know maybe you should go back to playing pac-man and eating Twinkies and keep out of the affairs of the American republic. Good day!
if trump were an enemy of the constitution they would have handed him the nomination already! TRUMP 2016!
These guys have been sniffing Soros farts.