Anonymous has called Trump an “enemy of the Constitution” and has launched an an attack, declaring “total war”, on the GOP front-runner. The hacker group has released Trump’s social security number, as well as his phone number.
Posting personal information about Trump online, information that USA Today states can be found online, Anonymous is using their hacking skills to try to defame and defeat Trump.
Recently a video was released by Anonymous, calling people to action stating, “it was time to stop the ‘forces of evil, bigotry and fascism that have come to the forefront of this election cycle.’”
We certainly live in a brave new world, where a hacking group can steal and spread information about anyone. “Hactivists”, such as Anonymous, may not block the roadways into Trump rallies, or physically threaten those who support Trump, but their protesting activities do have an effect upon anyone they set their sights on.
Check out more about Anonymous’ anti-Trump protestation on the next page.
Rick Boylan Lol,,Hes just a STONED Little Punk!..And Pro-really is in His Mommas Basement…lol
Clearly, Anonymous is an evil, bigoted, fascist collection of unconstitutional misfits. Trump is courageous and accessible; these freaks are masked cowards.
we must all drop our differences now and stand together if we want to save our country… soros donates to every campaign except trump’s… yes , to cruz , kasich , bernie and hillary…….. the big money that runs washington is in a panic…these people control both parties so regardless of which party wins the election , they still have control…this time these people want hillary because they know their agenda will stay on track , which includes open borders , refugees , gun control and new world order…they would be happy with cruz , kasich or anyone other than trump because they own them all and they know they can not beat hillary..since it looks like now that they might not be able to keep trump from winning the nomination the elites are talking about running a third party candidate.. they know and I hope everyone else realizes that this would hand the election to hillary because they know that we are too dumb to stick together..if hillary wins then business as usual can continue in washington..everyone needs to get out in their community and talk to people in person because if we don’t all stick together with trump then america is finished..the rioting like went on in ferguson , etc. and at trump rallies is only going to get worse until our whole country is in anarchy…you cruz , kasich and$#%&!@*establishment types need to wake up and realize what is going on…
Have they been watching Obama ? THERE’s an enemy of the constitution .
Character assassination of Trump is the work of the Liberal-Socialist establishment with the media as their accomplice when their prime candidate is seriously flawed. It can also serve as a tool for the Conservative-Elite establishment in order to insure control to maintain their status quo.
ESTABLISHMENT DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS DID TOO LITTLE TOO LATE………………..No matter what you establishment people do WE will continue to support TRUMP for President…………………………….. .Kasich,Hillary, Sanders, ROMNEY, A little bit late, Ted Cruz… are all a disgrace to America………Smear campaign against Trump never stops…..why IS everyone in the democrats establishment or republicans establishment SO afraid of TRUMP…HE is showing us how corruption IN the Establishment democrats and republicans IS destroying AMERICA.. Make America Great Again vote for TRUMP..the establishment is in bed with the devil..
I wonder how many seconds it took Trump to recover.
What does that piece of c**p call obama then?
They can’t do nothing to isis they gave up
Bs don’t believe everything you read on facebook.