Anonymous has called Trump an “enemy of the Constitution” and has launched an an attack, declaring “total war”, on the GOP front-runner. The hacker group has released Trump’s social security number, as well as his phone number.
Posting personal information about Trump online, information that USA Today states can be found online, Anonymous is using their hacking skills to try to defame and defeat Trump.
Recently a video was released by Anonymous, calling people to action stating, “it was time to stop the ‘forces of evil, bigotry and fascism that have come to the forefront of this election cycle.’”
We certainly live in a brave new world, where a hacking group can steal and spread information about anyone. “Hactivists”, such as Anonymous, may not block the roadways into Trump rallies, or physically threaten those who support Trump, but their protesting activities do have an effect upon anyone they set their sights on.
Check out more about Anonymous’ anti-Trump protestation on the next page.
I’ve never backed Anonymous! Anonymous is a group of pussies who couldn’t get a date if Trump bought them all whores for a week.
For the past 16 years we have been deceived, lied to, mocked, invaded by islam against our will, and all by those who took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, and to protect the American people. Illegal emigrants have been given a special status above natural born citizens. Our allies thrown to the curb by a man who obviously is a communist with muslim ties, who works side by side with the muslim brotherhood to slip Islam in our schools and every aspect of American society. Our right to free speech has been attacked by soros and our own government. Riots and paid protesters have been creating hate in out streets and rallies, many of whom were sent to do so by Soros and those in Washington, as well as cruz , bernie, Kosich, and clinton, Our president is now making deals with cuba a terrorist funding country, as he did with Iran. Our country is in danger and if we do not take this opportunity to stop them, we may never get the chance again. A wise man once said, A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague” Marcus Tullius Cicero. This not a time to be politically correct, its time to be American! If protesters start up, do not fall for the trap, because any stupid move on our part will be used by the lying media to hurt trump! Let them make fools of themselves. I am proud of mr. trump, he sounded like Ronald Reagan during his last speech, amazing! Trump has acted like a president who loves this nation and its people from day one. Expose the liars trying to dirty his good name. They call Trump a racist when it is them their selves who are racist, trying to create division. Never in my life time have I ever seen Americans join together in one voice to save this country like we are seeing now. Trump is bringing Americans of every nationality together, but the likes of Cruz, Mitt, Clinton, Obama, Kasich and our own government are spending millions to rig this election instead of listening to us. Are they not there to represent us, the people? Do not let these criminals in Washington or those soros puppets running against trump dirty his name, when they hit him, hit them back harder with facts not hate! Democrates need to wake up and be part of history, unless they like what obama is doing to this nation? People as far as Japan and the UK are standing for trump because they know the rest of them running will continue to ignore them as obama has while he kisses the ring of muslim kings. We can make history america, do your part, stand up for whats right, because Trump is putting his great life aside to stand up for us. Pray for trump and his family! Vote trump! Remember google each candidate and who funds them, and then realize that a vote for them is a vote for soros and others who control them and the media!
That is the F**e anonymous…don’t get it twisted.
#Donald Trump for President! S.E. Michigander YES I Campaign/Volunteering for TRUMP, President of the United States of America 2016!!
Let me put something across to you anonymous since you’re such a coward you don’t want your face to be saying it’s OK for you to try to hack Mr. Donald Trump but you’re such a coward you don’t want to be saying we’re not scared of you and neither is Donald Trump there’s more of us than it is you and will take you out as well and there’s better hackers than you you will be found out and we will find out who you are you will be prosecuted and we will smear your face all over Facebook page Twitter and God knows what else but we will find you and we are going to put you down as well we the people do not take it lightly when you threaten the gentleman we want for president!you have no evidence and no proof of anything you’re claiming a Donald J Trump but we you would make things up so anonymous stay anonymous for now but you won’t be long will find you and will expose you and we will take care of you for taking you out
Also anonymous I like to say to you you’re so stupid you think you could hide behind a computer that makes you smart life makes you smart not a computer and you’re so stupid that you can’t be found out skis me there’s better hackers than you so I don’t think you’re all that smart and if it was me I’d stay anonymous to a stupid as you are! And since you think you’re so brilliant let me put this across to you all this information you thank you hacked from Donald Trump and all his personal information you can make known to people so they can what expose him or put something on him idiot his so security and all the information you think you put out there for people to see. Dumbass use your brain is so security his credit card numbers hell what’s in his bank we already know all this started in public before this is all stupid you are get out from behind your computer and get some life experience
Well, I always figured they was controlled opposition.
Oh b******t !!!
Anonymous is a coward.
Loser is the only word I have for the masked idiot.