Ann Coulter, like myself, is never at a loss for words about the Left. She is one of those Right-wingers that Liberals want to lynch, RINOs want to rake over the coals, and faux-Conservatives want to castigate. When it comes down to opinions, however, Coulter has a way of making people see the idiocy of the Regressive argument and that makes them uncomfortable.
As for this whole Charlottesville business, many of us have written about it and pontificated about how the Leftist press refuses to cover the event and tragedy in a balanced and honest way. Interestingly, Coulter refers to the press in this particular case as an “activist media” and that is exactly why these types of outfits that pretend to offer a public service, or news, or even information, are really just being activist shills for the Regressive arm of the Party of the Jackass.
Coulter has delved into this idea a bit more deeply and speaks to the Liberal meme of “there’s no such thing as Leftist violence,” and “only Right-wingers are violent racists.” Turn the page to read more about Coulter’s take on the Charlottesville brouhaha!
They are getting the country ready for Moslum take over….
What? Did she hit her head? Just shut up already, nobody cares about your opinion!
Now that’s not funny at all it’s all b******t and they are lucky it wasn’t me I carry concealed
Violence and hate does not solve underlying causes . . . how about some honest discourse based on facts?
The atheist, socialist, snowflakes love to make everyone as miserable as they are.
Liberal’s are Bullies
If the city officials keep telling law enforcement to back off when snowflakes are rioting, then they are pretty much putting the defense of our property and physical well being upon us. If they keep this up, we will have to arm ourselves in defense of the snowflake terrorists! Now think about it, are they baiting us into defending ourselves?
Boogiemen scares you too. Better carry a club. Liberals are so hate filled. If it was your mother father child or family member would you want them clubbed over their political views…
Ann Coulter tells it like it is. Cuts like a knife, but that’s what the truth does.
Really? Do you hear your self when you speak? Idiot.