Ann Coulter, like myself, is never at a loss for words about the Left. She is one of those Right-wingers that Liberals want to lynch, RINOs want to rake over the coals, and faux-Conservatives want to castigate. When it comes down to opinions, however, Coulter has a way of making people see the idiocy of the Regressive argument and that makes them uncomfortable.
As for this whole Charlottesville business, many of us have written about it and pontificated about how the Leftist press refuses to cover the event and tragedy in a balanced and honest way. Interestingly, Coulter refers to the press in this particular case as an “activist media” and that is exactly why these types of outfits that pretend to offer a public service, or news, or even information, are really just being activist shills for the Regressive arm of the Party of the Jackass.
Coulter has delved into this idea a bit more deeply and speaks to the Liberal meme of “there’s no such thing as Leftist violence,” and “only Right-wingers are violent racists.” Turn the page to read more about Coulter’s take on the Charlottesville brouhaha!
Garbage, you cannot inflict pain and damage and say this is love.
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil…
That’s true, Ann
What a frekin nut job!
the bibble is true, America is full of bastards, america will go down if their liders dont stop this so called freedom, freedom has been their tool to do whatever they want, this is what marihuana causes, this is what divorces causes, this mental illness have a reason, blindness, dont you see that rich democrats worship the beast, and they are using you all to create a black hole where every good thing from god is vacuumed so they can bring their mark and control us, it s in the bibble idiots, wake up! you are the leaders of this satanic world, you give the example to the third world, down here they wanna legalize gay marrige because of you, they wanna legalize weed like you did, you ve been given the best land to live like kings and queens but you are blind, go and read the bibble and try to understand, stop being puppets from the nwo
See a protester with a bat, they want you so shoot them flat….see a protester with a weapon, they want you to send them to heaven……..bringing a knife, bat, or any other weapon means they are willing to hurt you and have thought it out. Don’t let them.
Shut the$#%&!@*upn
It’s sad to think all these liberals are being brainwashed by the Democrats. The democrats will use them until they are no longer needed and they will all go back to being lost misfits in life. The Democratic Party has been in charge for how many years? Did you get free schooling, did you get $15 an hour working? Hell they don’t even pay their own employees that much. Everything they are feeding you is bull$#%&!@* But they pick all these kids that are just looking to fit in somewhere and brain washing them. But when they have done all the democrats dirty work they will all be thrown out into the real world again.
Actually Ann Coulter is one of those conservatives unafraid of the truth, or marxist media. . . and cute as SUGAR ON A CINNAMON ROLL!