The Democrats started down the path alleging improper communications and use of intelligence with their as yet unproven accusations of improper connections between Trump’s team and the Russians. It would seem they did this mindlessly, or without apparent concern about where the investigations might go.
In other words, did they not consider the possibility that some high-ranking Democrats might be involved in some genuinely nefarious acts involving intercepted communications and compromised intelligence, and that they might be discovered? Perhaps not.
As the scandal concerning eavesdropping and intelligence gathering and sharing grows to involve more Democrats, there are no doubt some who would like to tell Hillary where she should put her email server, as well as those who wish the whole abuse of intelligence thing had never come to surface. Yet is has, and now they cannot put the thing back in the box and make like it never happened.
The Republicans have responded and the investigations are just beginning.
More on page two.
I AM from a.socialist country, ecuador, you don’t wanna live like us down here, don’t be fucking stupid, don’t loose your nation to that kind of good.talkers like obama, the pope, and the rest of satan worshipers, they want a.huge crisis so you end up.accepting the, wake the*$#%&!@*up! Don’t let mexicans become.the majority because these people.don’t have values, they just don’t care, they breed witthout control, and you don’t wanna live in a.brown shithole like me, Down here people live with cables.of.high voltage, with a constitution that guarantees life and work but you just can’t hold not even a.knife, and you just can’t find a.job, these indians are too irrational, it’s.madness fucking crazy! Don’t loose your country, Jesus was right, this under.the devil. And it’s true.
e’s been lying his$#%&!@*off since he first started his campaigne,,,what makes you think an oath is going too change that
Use a lie detector
Get his$#%&!@*off the beach with the boys
Enhanced interrogation techniques for swineherds like the squatter.
He and Rice will plead the 5 th just like Holder and Lynch and the guys caught up in the Hillary scandal. I highly doubt you will get anything out of them
Who the$#%&!@*is she??? What ground does she have????
Good luck… He’s gone… Depending on which way it goes… He may not return… He may just go home to Kenya
Why? Because oath means so much to Barry? Lol he has shot holes in every oath he ever took but this time is the exception and he will suddenly tell the truth?