German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conduct has become so shocking that at least one mental health professional is wondering if she is all there.
Hans-Joachim Maaz is a German psychologist and author who offered his opinion of Merkel in an interview with Huffington Post Germany. Deeply concerned by the chancellor’s policies and behavior, Maaz said that not only was she “stubborn” but that she had also “lost touch with reality”, a very serious charge to level against a sitting head of government.
He identifies Merkel as a “narcissist”, a condition brought out by the unalloyed adulation of supporters who, among other things, claimed her to be the “most powerful woman in the world” and deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize. Such laudatory remarks could only have gone to Merkel’s head, and now Maaz thinks that she is actually starting to believe them.
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She’s Germany’s problem. They elected her. Our Islamic Terrorist Sympathizer Obama is now history. Problem solved!
Soros, Crooked Killary, and Ophony Balony has rubbed off on Merkel! After all, she is their favorite leader and that came out of their own mouths.
That’s why Barry and her get along so good
Just like Obama
Communism is a mental illness.
If Obama had a Mistress….
She ant Muslim obama both.
Have you heard of #StolenDEMOCRACY? #BernieVIOLENCE? #DemocraticPRIMARIES? #HillaryCOMPASSION…#LeftLiberals are #UNITEDINHATE AGAINST US. Here, Hillary is suggesting waving white flags at #MUSLIMTERRORISTS.
Mental breakdown when she realized she betrayed her constituents and destroyed her country?