It seems that at every turn we witness an invasion of our privacy in one form or another. While we are, unfortunately and perhaps quite deliberately, getting accustomed to hearing about violations from law enforcement and governmental agencies, it is even more disheartening to hear about private businesses that engage in trashing our Constitution, breaking down trust to a point where society becomes to degraded to support the higher levels of civility.
The website has been caught giving their clients DNA to police without a warrant being served.
Always thought there was something not right about this site.
I thought when they first started the DNA thing that it was about collecting it for the government. Feels good to be right about something. Lol
Corporate America is as bad as the goverment itself!!!! is not what it claims to be. They have actually started naming groups of people for convenience, i.e. “European Jews”.
Exactly why I didn’t have it done!
I knew that was coming
Truly horrific crimes such as murder and rape can be very difficult to solve. Hypothetically, Suppose one of two identical twins committed such a crime. I $#%&!@*ume any intelligent judge would require more evidence than just what the DNA provides. is rarely asked for such info, I’m sure. One case is hardly ‘a pattern of abuse.’
Say what !?
Well Mary Jo just screw the Cons$#%&!@*ution.