It seems that at every turn we witness an invasion of our privacy in one form or another. While we are, unfortunately and perhaps quite deliberately, getting accustomed to hearing about violations from law enforcement and governmental agencies, it is even more disheartening to hear about private businesses that engage in trashing our Constitution, breaking down trust to a point where society becomes to degraded to support the higher levels of civility.
The website has been caught giving their clients DNA to police without a warrant being served.
Just for arguments sake/discussion, we have accepted and utilized unique finger prints for decades. In essence the same thing but less accurate. It has helped catch many criminals. Which i think we can agree is a good thing. Would the police having DNA records to search be any different? They only people this would effect are those committing crimes. Then again does it matter? If arrested and charged don’t they take a DNA sample to match? Just thinking out loud really. Curious what others think. That being said, it should be volunteered like finger printing. Corp. giving it out is deplorable and unacceptable.
The reason this is such a big deal is that it violates the rights guaranteed to all persons under the power of the Constitution. It is a massive invasion of privacy and the company guarentees when you buy it that the information will be kept confidential. Do you know how many people are convicted from false DNA matches…. This could end in a class action lawsuit against Ancestry/23 & Me. And rightfully so, it is a violation of the Fourth Amendment right to privacy; to allow this to occur would undermine the entire framework of what the country was build on.,
The $#%&!@*le is deliberately misleading. The article itself states that although they did agree to run the data to see if there were any matches, they refused (shielded) personal information until a court ordered them to give the information to the police. They didn’t just willy nilly hand it over to police.
I can see some serious law suits out of this. But then who would do a DNA test via mail anyway.
People who were adopted and are curious of their heritage. You seem a bit judge mental.
Hey, if you are a criminal, maybe you should not be stupid enough to have ancestry do your DNA. They compare and give you links to others you are related to via that DNA. Like most agreements you folks always check off on software, there may be some language allowing this. I would imagine there are a few anomalies as to who the real parent was pops up now and then, like Thomas Jefferson’s family, But, law enforcement can write a warrant easy enough anyway. Say, a rape victim who has the child and the DNA matches a guy. And, say there are three other similar cir$#%&!@*stances and they match the guy.
Again this was a no brainer. How naive do you have to be that you didn’t think this would happen with all the data stealing. Just like that other place something 21 or whatever it is. Of course the gov going to get that info. It’s a shame can’t trust the government. Just like I know they’re getting this post.
Don’t trust them.
Amazing .