For many years, a military equipment and civil aviation website has caused quite a stir on the Internet for its dire forecast that, by the year 2025, the United States would be unrecognizable, a shadow of its former self.
The report describes a forecast U.S. population drop from current levels of just under 319 million Americans down to an astounding 68 million people left living in America.
How could this happen? The report considers a variety of factors and the idea that the situation inside the United States will become so desperate in the wake of a collapse that the population will begin a mass migration away from the country may be the least worrisome.
Watch the video and see the prediction on the Next Page:
Wow Mike really! You still watch mainstream media! The same ones that went to a John Podesta dinner called “THE BUS” to help Hillary become President! Wikileaks released this in the Podesta emails! THEIR OWN EMAILS and they have never tried to say they were f**e because the have a computer crypted code and can be proven authentic as a google check has already done! Wikileaks has never released f**e docs! I have researched since 1975! Just check out my homepage!
The Liberal dream
Well that takes care of the blue states!! See ya. Don’t wanna be ya!
Sheep and Wallace are leftist progressive liberals. What else would The say! Fair and balanced. Lol. Put on your$#%&!@*hat and suck it up ❄️
Fear mongering if you ask me.
sorro — gates— the elites
Tripe! Not unless there is a plague or nuclear war.
hypocrisy at its finest. Probably a Hillary supporter and has the audacity to talk of “lies.”
Let’s school you on reality….
There’s no political solution to America’s Sick problem today.
If you do not beat Liberalism back into the hole it was allowed to crawl out of, America is history.
Liberalism, Pacifism, Tolerance and Political correctness without boundaries are all precursors to evil, corruption and destruction.. Hence America today. The parallels are undeniable.Societal perversion and social sickness at its best… After so many people and so many bad that are allowed to live and breed with the sick Liberal mentality …. Society’s Bad eventually Outnumber the True Good…. Then Collapse. Soon they’ll be no law and no place to hide. Human Nature will cleanse itself again. Then good lives again for a few hundred more years and the cycle repeats.
Fight back or be devoured.
You deserve your fate if you think kindness will turn the tide of evil in America.
You have to eradicate Liberalism, Progressivism and Islam to a point the few that are left can be taught to live peacefully. Example… Japan.