Under Obama’s amnesty plan up to 5 million illegal immigrants are eligible for work permits, but they are not allowed to purchase insurance on Obamacare exchanges.
This means that employers won’t have provide health coverage for these illegals, which gives business a $3,000 incentive to hire an illegal immigrant over an American, whom the business would have to cover by law.
[/nextpagelink]Employers have $3000 incentive to hire illegals over americans[/nextpagelink]
I wonder how eager the illegals would be to take our jobs if they were prevented from sending their wages out of the country.
Yes, he not only is Anti-American but a Dirt Bag and anything else you can throw his way ……….. slime
So true …………….. They live 6 families together and send the $$ to Mexico where people live like kings and OUR Gold is depleted ….. good going BUMMER
Despicable !!!!!! An absolute disgrace and a complete insult to the American people.
He is slowly transforming America
Obama is a fraud, liar and an enemy of America, all that is good, right and just and he should be removed from the WH, tried,convicted and hanged as such!. The sooner the better.
When are we going to get rid of this guy.
They should be receiving $3,000 bonus for hiring American workers. They should be fined the same amount if they hire an illegal immigrant instead of an American who wants that job.
speak up Americans!!!!!