Under Obama’s amnesty plan up to 5 million illegal immigrants are eligible for work permits, but they are not allowed to purchase insurance on Obamacare exchanges.
This means that employers won’t have provide health coverage for these illegals, which gives business a $3,000 incentive to hire an illegal immigrant over an American, whom the business would have to cover by law.
[/nextpagelink]Employers have $3000 incentive to hire illegals over americans[/nextpagelink]
He sickens me.
is there anything this ass wont do to American people
An open letter to barack obama. mr. obama you have invited guests into our country who are unwelcome, just as sure as a stranger would walk in my front door and sit down at my Thanksgiving table uninvited. They are lawbreakers, and illegal aliens. You have also brought disease into our country that was virtually non-existent before the recent influx of illegal aliens. We have an immigration law you choose to ignore because you don’t like it. Well too bad mr. obama, because you took an oath to “faithfully” uphold the law. Not just the laws you like, but all laws, for all Americans, not just Americans of color. You are not only breaking the law, you are in violation of the oath you took. Now you say you’re going to give away to these lawbreakers, benefits such as social security, and medicare, that baby boomers paid for all their working careers. You have already gutted medicare with that joke of a health care bill known as obamacare, and now even your democrat heavy hitters such as chuck schumer, are beginning to badmouth, and turn on obamacare because they’re worried about re-election, and rightly so. Elections have consequences, I’m sure those words ring familiar to you. We the People have spoken, but just like laws you don’t like, you don’t like what happened in the 2014 midterms, and so you are out of control as I predicted you would be. I’m hoping mr. obama, congress will rein you in, or you get your meds adjusted, because quite frankly your behavior is immature at best. There may be some who call you their president, or who continue to respect the office of the president, but your stay at the white house has been such a travesty, I can do neither. I worked very hard all my life starting at age 7. That’s something you wouldn’t know about, as you’ve had everything handed to you. mr. obama you are neither a king, or a monarch. It is Thanksgiving, and just like that uninvited guest at my dinner table, you are no longer welcome in my white house. It is the people’s house mr. obama, even though you think you can take it away from our children, and open it to muslims. I will say this though you have given me one very good thing this Thanksgiving, a firm resolve to resist you every inch, every step of the way as you try to redistribute to the lazy, that which the hard workers of the generation known as the baby boomers have amassed. Oh mr. obama did I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving? No? Good I don’t want you should misinterpret. Signed, Old Fat White Man.
He just hates Americans the commie-rat muslim terrorist.
Impeach him.
I believe that Obama is Islamic and if he can bring down America, he will hold a very high place in the Islamic society. God Bless America!
Wish someone could and would stop him!
when you see illegal’s working some where , STOP and go else where.
im starting to like this guy
Ya right! You can’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth!!