Under Obama’s amnesty plan up to 5 million illegal immigrants are eligible for work permits, but they are not allowed to purchase insurance on Obamacare exchanges.
This means that employers won’t have provide health coverage for these illegals, which gives business a $3,000 incentive to hire an illegal immigrant over an American, whom the business would have to cover by law.
[/nextpagelink]Employers have $3000 incentive to hire illegals over americans[/nextpagelink]
Will someone GAG THIS IDIOT.
I would love to punch him in the face!!
Obama is a member of the muslim brotherhood and a domestic terrorist with sights in destroying the United States. Obama needs to be removed from office now
This is wrong wast full spending at its worst congress defund Obama
You should be their employer!! I’m sure you could find something at the White House they could do !!
This is just wrong!
Hahahahaha the left has been Grubered AGAIN!!!
I just wish the racist pig would die.
And the poor and middle class think he will bring jobs well paying jobs instead he works for the wealthy elite to bring lower paid workers. Got you all fooled,
What a pig!