Under Obama’s amnesty plan up to 5 million illegal immigrants are eligible for work permits, but they are not allowed to purchase insurance on Obamacare exchanges.
This means that employers won’t have provide health coverage for these illegals, which gives business a $3,000 incentive to hire an illegal immigrant over an American, whom the business would have to cover by law.
[/nextpagelink]Employers have $3000 incentive to hire illegals over americans[/nextpagelink]
Politicians aren’t doing their job of Impeaching the impostors…America can’t provide for their own,and we don’t need more freeloaders….
Who are the lost ones that are agreeing with what he is doing? I don’t know how he still gets a crowd of people to show up.
This president is an ass
Congress- the House or Reps- writes the checks. Don’t agree- simple.
I wonder why no one in the other branches of the government don’t stop this “Hitler Clone”.
There will not be any fines for not having barfbama care and a $3,000.00 incentive to fire legals and hire illegals. He has violated his oath of office again and again. His word means nothing.
It amazes me he’s still in the whitehouse…….Someone in a very high place must really want to keep him there…..say , the Illuminati ???
Oh goody. Guess who is going to pay for that.
Did u not understand what was going on? Dems want more votes, Reps want cheap labor. That why there was no fight about this from Congress. Everybody wins but the American people!