Under Obama’s amnesty plan up to 5 million illegal immigrants are eligible for work permits, but they are not allowed to purchase insurance on Obamacare exchanges.
This means that employers won’t have provide health coverage for these illegals, which gives business a $3,000 incentive to hire an illegal immigrant over an American, whom the business would have to cover by law.
[/nextpagelink]Employers have $3000 incentive to hire illegals over americans[/nextpagelink]
great …. a lot of immigrants means money…thank to a monkey you vote for
Does anyone now doubt that this terrorist is out to destroy Americans ????
+ free medicare and medicaide are we all happy now..
How is that going to help. Americans need jobs as well.
Yes, Ovomit keeps showing his American values. He has NO concern for ANYTHING American and CONTINUES to do everything he can to destroy everything we hold dear to us. This disease in the White House must be PERNANENTLY removed from office and place in the prison cell made JUST FOR HIM.
Another way of buying votes and screwing the American people!
The sinking of TITANIC is undergoing …
This man is SORRIER than a SOCK full of fresh CAT C**P !!!!!
Cant wait for this muslim traitor to be gone
if all this is true -why the hell is he allowed to continue why has something not been done to stop him ? no one in their right mind would allow this fiasco to continue !