Unless you live in an utterly isolated part of the world, or are part of an Amish community, (in which cases you would not be reading this) you have been impacted by temporary power outages. They range from the nuisance level of a couple of hours, to the major headaches associated with those lasting several days, especially in intemperate weather.
At least that’s the case in the US and most developed nations. For some unfortunate nations, the power is out every day for several hours.
But what if it were to go out and stay out for a year of so? Catastrophe.
Preppers might like to proclaim their independence from the power grid, and the Amish might claim they don’t use it anyway. While it is true they might be able to survive without connection to electricity, their ability to permanently survive without electricity requires that they not be dependent at all on entities that do require power — for example the manufacturers of life-changing and life-saving medications. And that’s not so easy to accomplish.
More on page two.
Take out both of these assholes
One is evil. The other is little happy evil.
Everyone is worried about an EMP and thats laughable dont get ΔΊ
me wrong it would be bad but nothing like what would happen if they targeted a super volcano and there 4 here in the USA yellowstone woluld end the America now imagine a nuke set off right on top of it all that magma that would become radio active and spread across the the North American continent. Hell look at Toba sittting there unprotectedk if it pops even over there we will have a global ice age that will destroy the US. If we let crazy people in every radical nation have nukes its just a matter of time before some one wants to end the world or start over, someone with nukes a bunker and a people to enslave. And if you think Kim or the islamic crazies wouldnt do this you better step back and do some re-evaluating.
Both received large sums of money from Democratic Presidents, and the go ahead for nuclear arms.
Those two foreheads would make perfrct targets.