The Justice Department may try to make us believe that, if indicted, Hillary Clinton would receive a fair, unbiased trial, but the political contributions of their employees seem to say otherwise.
It seems Hillary Clinton has made many friends in the Department of Justice since she put her criminal work in the State Department behind her. Of course, no friendships in Washington D.C. exist without the promise of money, and Mrs. Clinton’s DOJ friends are putting their money where their mouths are.
As a result, Hillary has received many times the amount of money from the department than both Trump and Sanders combined.
Sure, they say that they’re unbiased, but their actions prove what we knew all along: Hillary’s got them wrapped around her finger.
See how much the DOJ employees contributed to Clinton on the next page:
This$#%&!@*must be stopped !!!!!
Remember this entire department is appointed by super racist Hussein and run like a damn DMV office. Loretta (cracker hater)Lynch is typical unqualified appointees that the former COmmunity Activist has filled the administration with. That racist angry low IQ$#%&!@*has about 6 more months until she goes back to being a school bus driver.
I guess violating the constitution of America isn’t considered breaking the law.
The corruption runs deep! If Hillary Clinton is elected president good buy America! Can’t people see threw Her lying unethical act?
Every single one of these agencies need to be cleaned out.
The people who will vote for Hillary really feel she is good. You can do to much for stupid people!
Vague b******t claims are…… wait for it………… Vague b******t claims…… We make the law specific for this very reason. Nice try though Jude Morgan
I don’t know which rock you live under Jason but here in America treason is considered a crime.
Ya, that tells me they are manipulating the process and should nabbed right alonf with her.