The Justice Department may try to make us believe that, if indicted, Hillary Clinton would receive a fair, unbiased trial, but the political contributions of their employees seem to say otherwise.
It seems Hillary Clinton has made many friends in the Department of Justice since she put her criminal work in the State Department behind her. Of course, no friendships in Washington D.C. exist without the promise of money, and Mrs. Clinton’s DOJ friends are putting their money where their mouths are.
As a result, Hillary has received many times the amount of money from the department than both Trump and Sanders combined.
Sure, they say that they’re unbiased, but their actions prove what we knew all along: Hillary’s got them wrapped around her finger.
See how much the DOJ employees contributed to Clinton on the next page:
Conflict of interest DOJ needs to be taking out of the process and push the FBI to indite
I’m so sick of this woman and her family! Hillary Clinton has NO SOUL.
Sydney Welsh she sold it to the devil years ago!!! She is evil and should never be allowed to run for any office!! The DOJ that is investigating her email scandal just gave her 75,000 for her campaign!!! Talk about conflict of interest!!! Corruption at its finest!!! It all makes me sick, I pray we can get Trump into the white house, if not America is doomed!
Well how about that, we know now how that will go.
Hilary, Boynton paid for you by , every millionaire with an agenda.
Conflict of interest in investigation, a special procecutor needs to be called in by FBI. Obama’s hidden emails with Hillary needs to be supeonaed by Special procecutor. Can’t hide involvement in Bengazi.
THAT IS TOTALLY ILLEGAL.. They should all be fired..and I wonder if they are doing it without be sorta forced too?? DOJ is a nasty unit right now.
That is a bit fish stinky,,what does she have on them or do they just want to keep that cushy job?
All of the DOJ administrative leaders are pro Hillary and have contributed thousands of dollars to her campaign!!!! I believe that something is crooked in Denmark!