Very early on, the new pope distinguished himself from his predecessor. With his liberal views on economics, abortion and other topics, it was clear he was something different from the previous pope. This progressive worldview seemed to strike a chord with liberal Americans and the world, as in 2014 his popularity and approval seemed to be universal among the left. Now, these circumstances seem to be changing.
Perhaps the pope got too comfortable with his popularity, because now it seems to be on the decline.
The Pope ( EL PIBE Argentino ) is not good Pope , he don’t care about the people en jail for politic problem , he only care how to make happy the Comunist Leader
How does a Pope get on the other side of being revered, ask this one?
He needs to resign, he is working for satan not God.
Sad. He is bad
Real low he wrong
What was the conclave smoking when they picked this guy?
Lanelle, you can’t take these people seriously. They listen to too much fox “news” and would turn against their own mothers if they were told to. These are also the same people that think the holocaust, sandy hook, and 9/11 were all hoaxes. They are too deep in fear to think rationally and logically about anything. The only way to help them is to add more tinfoil to their hats and make sure their jackets are on tight so they don’t hurt themselves too badly
will you dumb$#%&!@*es get over this antichrist kick. we are only supposed to have one and you have come up with 7 or 8 in my life time, kind of like perdicting the end of the world, God says you will not know so why are you so hell bent on trying to make him wrong
Introduction – Papacy/Pope
Infallibility of the Pope is often misunderstood. The office of Pope is not magical. He is not pure and perfect. He is a man and a sinner, and the Pope is the first to tell you that. Infallability only exists with these 3 rules:
A. The message (Pronouncement) must be made by the successor of Peter and he must be speaking from the chair of Peter ex cathedra – meaning specifically to teach doctrine – not as a comment, or speech, or message about something else.
B. The Pope is teaching on the subject of Faith and Morals. It can not be about Science, Economics, History, etc.
C. The teaching is in no way a contradiction of the Bible or Apostolic Tradition.
Infallability is not something invented in 1870 any more than the Trinity was invented in Nicea in 325AD. It is only when the Church decided it needed to be formally defined to eliminate ambiguity or error.
It becomes even more interesting that the two specific Councils gathered to determine the inspired books of the Bible – specifically Carthage in 397 – also recognized the authority of the Pope, but specifically in Carthage they confirmed the authority of the Pope.