Very early on, the new pope distinguished himself from his predecessor. With his liberal views on economics, abortion and other topics, it was clear he was something different from the previous pope. This progressive worldview seemed to strike a chord with liberal Americans and the world, as in 2014 his popularity and approval seemed to be universal among the left. Now, these circumstances seem to be changing.
Perhaps the pope got too comfortable with his popularity, because now it seems to be on the decline.
Here we go. Again & again!!!
264 popes 266 pontificates
He lost me
I dont know Who the Anti-Christ is, I follow the money and its between/combo of the catholic church and the rothschilds. #1question – Only satan would take GOD’s Holy Day of Worship and Rest from him And that was and is the catholic church and made it a sunday (sun worshiping). it is written, you Break one of my “Command”-ment’s you break them all and you will surely die. Jesus rested in the grave on the Sabbath ~WHY, because it was a Command to rest on the Sabbath and keep it Holy. The catholic church burned all the Bible they could fine and King James rewrote it ~ hence the Kings James version…
If the pope takes a liberal view on abortion then that means he believes an unborn while /fetus is not a human.. Therefore its okay to kill it … And if fetus’ aren’t human then why do they sell the parts of aborted babies to “science” …. If he is saying he has a liberal view on society then that is taking sides with the government … I’m pretty sure God doesn’t believe its right to kill babies… Women want a choice? Choose to use a condom choose to use birth control, choose to keep their legs closed.. Not to mention I’ve seen nothing done to help our economy/society by the pope or catholic church , or any religion for that matter , sadly this day and age actions speak louder then words
Commie LOSER!!!
google: Read: Genetic Mark of the Beast An ancient text prophecies the Antichrist will be a genetic counterfeit of the Messiah
He is really low..s$#%&!@*bag
He’s the false prophet, the Bible warns us about!
The Pope and the Catholic church are staunchly against abortion…that is why the article in this post in is so misleading and frustrating because it simply is not true.