Very early on, the new pope distinguished himself from his predecessor. With his liberal views on economics, abortion and other topics, it was clear he was something different from the previous pope. This progressive worldview seemed to strike a chord with liberal Americans and the world, as in 2014 his popularity and approval seemed to be universal among the left. Now, these circumstances seem to be changing.
Perhaps the pope got too comfortable with his popularity, because now it seems to be on the decline.
this man is a fool
LOL, are you kidding me? This lady MUST be a troll.
false phrophet
Jennifer Lynn Tessier I respect your opinion on religion and thank you for doing so in return. Even if we may disagree I thank you for not getting ugly…which sadly happens all to often.
I agree that our planet has been slowly destroyed…and I even agree that many religious fanatics (imho), are helping because they have a distorted sort of belief that this is somehow “preordained” or talked about in the Bible…I understand that others may believe that, but I do not. I also think way too many horrors have occurred in our history in the name of religion…and are still happening.
I just have a tough time believing that the Catholic church and the Pope are somehow in cahoots with our government or any government. The Pope’s position on the poor, money (the only time Jesus lost his cool here on Earth was when greedy money men were using the synagogue as a place of commerce rather than worship), the economy, the e vironment, etc are straight out of Jesus’s teachings. The Pope isn’t trying to push any government agenda…he is truly committed to the teachings of Christ…period.
This Pope is pretty amazing…it is sad that so many are thinking he has any other agenda.
Nope no troll…it’s just a slow day at work 😉
he lost me
Oh yeah! This guy….
I have no faith in man…but I do have faith in Christ and his teachings. Although I’m not Catholic (honestly I don’t care for churches typically, no offense, I just feel closer to God in studies or in the outdoors), I do think that Pope Francis is a good man…and it saddens me that he is being treated so poorly simply for following the teachings of Christ.
Unfortunately, our Pope generalizes too much, many times on subjects with which his background is not intrinsically correct!
YES SIR MICHEAL, YOU NAILED THAT ONE…. the catholic church is Lucifer’s Sanctuary, the pope is it’s Icon, a symbol But, the Jesuit priests, the men in black, are Lucifer’s disciples