Very early on, the new pope distinguished himself from his predecessor. With his liberal views on economics, abortion and other topics, it was clear he was something different from the previous pope. This progressive worldview seemed to strike a chord with liberal Americans and the world, as in 2014 his popularity and approval seemed to be universal among the left. Now, these circumstances seem to be changing.
Perhaps the pope got too comfortable with his popularity, because now it seems to be on the decline.
This Pope a liberal minded man with an agenda to change things to a social order. His ideas are dangerous!
I was wondering the very same thing! I was expecting to read Why his popularity has shrunk, not political poll results. Jeesh, there’s two clicks and 3mins Im not getting back! 😉
obama is the anichrist hes from the east. and this pope needs to be the last one if this is what they all are going to due
No hope in the pope.
Riddle me this Lanelle Markgraf Martin if the bible /Christianity is so great and loving then why did so many people die for not believing ? I’m pretty sure the bible doesn’t say kill non believers, or burn “witches” or “drown” them .. If you think the popes agenda is to help everyone and make the planet better then he wouldn’t be siding with the government … P.s. The world would be a better place with NO religion.. But that’s just my opinion … You have a lot of good points in your comments, as far as humans killing our planet and treating our poor/sick badly.. But IMO relgion helped us to this point
dont anyone study scripture .the word antichrist should have been translated, insted of christ, the antichrist will not show up till the one world goverment is going into place then falls apart then satan himself will show up clameing that he is christ and will put everthing back togeather .and the whole world will think he is jesus …. one problum jesus is comeing back for a virgen bride and if you thought that satan was the christ you are no longer a virgen ..
didn’t know brainless c**p came in white… what a discussing waste of good air… this billow beast need to go back down the road to hell … the gates of heaven are close to him…. too many faces..
This man is a simpleton
Lanelle Markgraf Martin new world order /one world government , religion and currency was Rockefeller’s agenda, and its been played out for many years
Please, have him concentrate on the christain genocide happiness in Syria. That should be his top priority not climate chage or greedy capitalism