If you are an adult in today’s American society you are mostly likely, according to a Pew survey, drowning in an ocean of debt. As youth we are taught everything about life except for how finances work. This leads generation after generation to step into a life of slavery. We become slaves to what seems like an inevitable experiencing an infinite cycle of getting into debt and trying to pay it off.
To learn about the chains of debt go to the next page
Richard don’t be ignorant I never once stood up for the republicans
Stop giving aid to everyone who asks
This is a new thing? Lol.
You must be a liberal Tom Cahill…right to the character $#%&!@*$#%&!@*ination without reading what you posted on to…
Republicans are doing this!!
Republicans care about their campaign donors, NOT the Americans they actually VOTE for them!!
Don’t need a survey to tell us that.
Dude lay off of the cool- aid!!!
You make no sense and reading form the liberal playbook…
You and your way of thinking is destroying the country…
And I really don’t even think you are from this country with what you are saying.
to bad they can not handle their money right then no matter what party you belong to if you can not handle a budget you doom your selfs
I guess you are just like a true liberal and don’t listen to what you write…you are allowed to $#%&!@*$#%&!@*inate characters and stir the pot.
So enjoy while you can..