If you are an adult in today’s American society you are mostly likely, according to a Pew survey, drowning in an ocean of debt. As youth we are taught everything about life except for how finances work. This leads generation after generation to step into a life of slavery. We become slaves to what seems like an inevitable experiencing an infinite cycle of getting into debt and trying to pay it off.
To learn about the chains of debt go to the next page
And the Republicans you vote for want to keep it that way, but who cares as long as you they don’t let anybody take your guns.
And democrats are for the poor which means you have to stay poor
The number one takers are the poor Red states who take from the wealthier Blue states even though they whine about the Takers the most. If there Republican leaders invested in education and a few other logical progressive ideas maybe they wouldn’t be so poor. But these people vote against their own interests because all the want to hear their politicians say is guns, Jesus no gays no immigrants.
Most Americans don’t even try to live within their means. Everybody has a new 50″ TV, the newest smart phones and families are eating out several nights a week. But hey, the government spends more than they receive, so how could citizens do any different but copy the idiocy of the Big Wigs.
The number one takers are the poor Red states who take from the wealthier Blue states even though they whine about the Takers the most. If their Republican leaders invested in education and a few other logical progressive ideas maybe they wouldn’t be so poor. But these people vote against their own interests because all the want to hear their politicians say is guns, Jesus no gays no immigrants.
Thomas open your eyes!!
Both parties are full of corruption and greed!!!
The party in power are destroying the middle cl$#%&!@* and pushing more into poverty!!
So please take off your rose colored gl$#%&!@*es and wake up!!
Their both pretty bad but republicans are worse. Their biggest concerns have been obstructing our president at every turn despite what’s best for the country. The their is the Republican supported think tank ALEC. Any self respecting American who was aware of what ALEC is trying to do to our country would not vote for someone who supports them. (Every Republican candidate has to to get elected). Take some time and research ALEC and see the legislation they’ve had p$#%&!@* then talk to me about which party is worse.
Their both pretty bad but republicans are worse. Their biggest concerns have been obstructing our president at every turn despite what’s best for the country and they don’t offer any solutions for what they oppose. Then their is the Republican supported think tank ALEC. Any self respecting American who was aware of what ALEC is trying to do to our country would not vote for someone who supports them. (Every Republican candidate has to to get elected). Take some time and research ALEC and see the legislation they’ve had p$#%&!@* then talk to me about which party is worse.
Spoken like a True Socialist Democrat…
Spoken like a conservative who can’t add anything to a conversation other than some generic name calling.