With President Obama’s time in the White House coming to a rather disastrous end, him and his administration have certainly made plenty of waves over the past eight years, some would even call those waves hurricanes. And today’s events with John Kerry basically making an enemy of Israel hasn’t exactly helped create a smooth transition. But let’s get back to President Obama and his alleged legacy. Michelle Obama is saying that their eight years in the White House has been scandal free, and Obama is saying that he’s done more for progress than most who have taken up the mantle of the presidency. Is that true?
According to the Department of Agriculture, the number of food-stamp recipients in the United States has increased by thirty-two percent under the Obama Administration. Their findings state that in 2009, 33.5 million Americans received food stamp benefits. Almost eight years later that number has increased by almost 11 million. This is strange, considering that President Obama and his followers believe the economy to be fixed and the unemployment rate to be the lowest its ever been.
However, they don’t seem to take into account that once you’re on government welfare of some kind, you’re no longer counted as unemployed. Sorry Mr. President, what were you saying about a healthy economy?
Find out just how many Americans are receiving food stamps on the next page.
Not for long
According to Obama’s last speech, he decreased the use of welfare and food stamp funding by half. What number is he subtracting from?
His plan ……. he turned unemployment into welfare.
While middle class goes hunger
This country will never be great again until Obama and family, Hillary and family, George Soros and many others to be tried for treason. Then take all of their assets not allowing them future pay checks or insurances. Remove Muslims that will not convert to our ways. Don’t mess with AMERICA – We believe in God our Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, creator of Heaven and Earth; and in Jesus Christ, Gods only son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. Then after three days arose from the dead to live forever.
Heavenly Father, within the powers and strength of your gracious will within the knowledge and understandings of your Holy Spirit, thank you for protecting us and the desires to do and be that you would have us be and do within the moments in time. We so dearly love You, need You, patiently seeking your face, our Rock, our Fortress and our deliverer; O’ God, both Alpha and Omega, our strength in whom we trust, the foundation of our faith, our buckler and the horn of our salvations, our high tower and our refuge, our savior and creator of all things, our Father. amen
Ok 20 Trillion dollars in debt and 100 million outta the work force and racial devision at all time highs yeah ok !!
Hes legacy fast and furious (selling arms to Mexican drug cartels that alot of them was dropped in Chicago!) 20 trillion in national debt thats more that double all previous presidents combined!! Keep you health insurance if you want while premiums spike!! Pulling out of iraq causing a vacuum that created isis and been funding rebals to try and topple syria and killed 100s of thousands of innocent civilians. And lets not forget the Obamas drone strikes that leveled hospitals and schools that killed woman and children!! O and causing a division of hate and racial division in this country!! Thats just name a few and if you liberals are on here reading this you can do some research and find out the same info as i did!!
The bill was voted down because democrats added pork into the bill.
Like repeal repeal repeal lol