With President Obama’s time in the White House coming to a rather disastrous end, him and his administration have certainly made plenty of waves over the past eight years, some would even call those waves hurricanes. And today’s events with John Kerry basically making an enemy of Israel hasn’t exactly helped create a smooth transition. But let’s get back to President Obama and his alleged legacy. Michelle Obama is saying that their eight years in the White House has been scandal free, and Obama is saying that he’s done more for progress than most who have taken up the mantle of the presidency. Is that true?
According to the Department of Agriculture, the number of food-stamp recipients in the United States has increased by thirty-two percent under the Obama Administration. Their findings state that in 2009, 33.5 million Americans received food stamp benefits. Almost eight years later that number has increased by almost 11 million. This is strange, considering that President Obama and his followers believe the economy to be fixed and the unemployment rate to be the lowest its ever been.
However, they don’t seem to take into account that once you’re on government welfare of some kind, you’re no longer counted as unemployed. Sorry Mr. President, what were you saying about a healthy economy?
Find out just how many Americans are receiving food stamps on the next page.
Thomas William Underwood is there a fact in there some where.
millions of illegals
And they get less than the ‘refugees’ who being from 3rd world countries are used to a lot less not more. No wonder they can afford to pool money to build mosques or fund terrorists.
You welfare case bastards better be lookin a job cause Trump is gonna stop that long term welfare and most of you have been on it since you turned 18 and yo$#%&!@*is over 40 for the most of you. LMMFWAO yo$#%&!@*will go to work now
His legacy is doing something and saying the opposite about it.
I would give anything to be able to work & not be hindered with End Stage Renal Disease & other complications which has caused me to be disabled. I’m not on food stamps by choice, & resent being lumped in with the “leeches” who are on food stamps but refuse to work.
There’s a lot of people just like me, who through no fault of their own were forced into the food stamp program.
If you have been a productive member of society, and now find that you are ill and can’t work. Then it is YOU who is entitled. I grew up in an America where we took care of those who could no longer care for themselves. They have stacked the deck against us all. Taken our tax money and handed it to those who don’t produce, and we circle the drain. I will pray for you and your health.
14 days