While waiting for a cab at the Abu Dhabi International Airport, a 25 year-old American woman was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor for allegedly insulting the United Arab Emirates.
According to a government-ran newspaper, the woman has been in custody since February 23rd, meaning she has been held against her will for over a month now. Unsurprisingly, the story the woman tells is very different from the one painted by the government of the UAE.
Per the woman’s account, she was approached by two men she didn’t know who began to make unseemly remarks to her. Irritated by the men’s comments, she ignored them and before long, the strangers departed.
At some point, the government got involved and judging by it’s treatment of the woman, was distressed by her behavior rather than that of the men who approached her.
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Gee John N. Foss let me spell it out for you. In other countries you get arrested…..Here, you get media attention. FYI, john. There are plenty of liberals, and rinos, that endorse sharia law. Dont know about sharia law. John. Then, perhaps you should educate yourself for the sake of all women in your family
Get it yet? That’s what the hell I’m talking about.
Thanks, Darrel, I misread that…but still in the Middle East, right
War they want, war they can get.
Our dear friends
Exactly, Dubai would never be on my bucket list! I’d rather go third class in Siberia!
I can’t understand way we are so excepting to the Muslim culture and religion. They hate us! Get it?
Bull c**p
that is wh at you get for going over there
But if we did this all HELL would break lose. It’s ok for them to come to our coutry and shove their beliefs and culture down our throats.