While waiting for a cab at the Abu Dhabi International Airport, a 25 year-old American woman was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor for allegedly insulting the United Arab Emirates.
According to a government-ran newspaper, the woman has been in custody since February 23rd, meaning she has been held against her will for over a month now. Unsurprisingly, the story the woman tells is very different from the one painted by the government of the UAE.
Per the woman’s account, she was approached by two men she didn’t know who began to make unseemly remarks to her. Irritated by the men’s comments, she ignored them and before long, the strangers departed.
At some point, the government got involved and judging by it’s treatment of the woman, was distressed by her behavior rather than that of the men who approached her.
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We need Change ! Now more then ever! Sick of all the Career Politicians! l We have to much corruption in Washington D.C And to much in the White House right now! Fraud , All the scandal’s from the Clinton and now with the Obama’s! With nothing in sight You look at are candidate’s? Look what we have to work Career Politician! Obama running us into the ground could care less and doing nothing! Hillary Clinton & Bill what a joke to put them back in to do nothing! We had them in and all we had was scandal after scandal’s! Bill couldn’t keep his pant’s up! We don’t need that again Bernie Sander’s he going to give Free thing’s to everybody? Illegal 65,000 Him and Hillary plan to bring in a year! We need to take care of our people, vet’s, homeless first! Ted Cruz is another Bill Clinton all over again! All we have left is Donald J. Trump I know some of the thing’s he say are a little off! But he is the only one who does care about America! He has been very good with his business’s! He does care! He could take off and go back to his own life! And he’s Not a career Politician, Governor, Senator, We all have flaw’s! Nobody perfect! He’s not one of their puppet’s. Look what going on now???? Our President could care less! I say Why not give Trump a chance to prove he can help America get back on track! He one who’s never ask for a dime from any of us! Using his own money. He’s gone through hell with everyone coming out of the wood work to bashing him. He’s had every Scum and trash down talking him! I think he’s done a great job! Most people would say shove it and Quit! But he feel’s he can do it and we the people have to give him support to the end! Please what do we have to lose but to the one who will do nothing for us! Please Support Donald Trump for President 2016 Let beat all the trash that holding us back! Make America great again! Donald Trump for President 2016
So where are the feminist movement on this?
Where is our Embassy to get her out of there?
If your a American and go to Arab land to frecking bad, if you got the need to be around Arabs go to Detroit.
She did a bad thing you cannot insult them in the Middle East
Yea these are a very sensitive bunch! They want to kill everyone who isn’t them, but very sensitive !
Raze the place.
susan the article says Abu Dhabi not Dubai. not much difference if your a woman but still 2 different places.
What in hell are you talking about?