Most police officers do an amazing job at what they do: protecting and serving the American people. Despite this, there is a serious problem with some cops assuming that their badges grant them extra rights. Last year, police killed 1,100 Americans. The first five months of 2015 saw 476 deaths at the hands of American police, with over 1,100 predicted by the end of the year.
You may think that these numbers seem low, considering there are over 300 million Americans. But, when you consider the killing rate of our police officers in comparison with the law enforcement of other countries, it is very embarrassing.
Japanese police killed one person last year in a country with over 100 million citizens. Icelandic police only killed one person in its entire history. And, to top if off, American police have a murder rate worst than the homicide rates of the two most violent countries in the world.
with gangs a tweekers, and obama/ Al’s idiots shooting cops what do you expect???
Yes thay neen to atop violent thugs but this worries me because we are turning into wr are Turing in to a police state next thing thay my do is confiscate guns.
Three chears for the police.
If $#%&!@*ers and lawless biker gangs were handled the right way, we would have a good society, but that isn’t the normal structure of society as we know it. The natural order of things requires that gang S$#%&!@* walk the earth with law abiding citizens and now PC Lib Gangs are now among us thus creating a harder environment for law enforcement. Oboomoo has enabled the negative to accentuate.
Wonder why ???
Because they have to be with all the s$#%&!@* that breeds here!
I lived in Germany. When the. Police came to get you they stood outside your building snd gave you a few seconds to. cone out.
We have to control all the spooks ! Get real people
This is a bs statistic, these other countries, don’t have illegals, they don’t have black on black crimes and murders that we have!! So when you spout statics, make sure it’s not comparing apples and onions like this!!!
When you have gangs that will kill you becuase they feel like it and drug cartels moving in its no wonder