If you needed any more proof that our government has become totally lawless, just consider this surprising analysis of FBI crime data.
According to Armstrong Economics’ examination of the FBI’s crime data for 2014, the federal government and the agencies it oversees seized more money from citizens through civil forfeiture than common criminals did through burglary. This conclusion was further supported by a report from the Institute for Justice, which discovered that the Justice and Treasury Departments pegged the amount of money gathered by federal law enforcement agencies’ through asset forfeiture at a whopping $4.5 billion. This on top of another $5 billion put in by the two departments into the aforementioned agencies.
Burglars, however, didn’t fare so well, with the FBI finding that approximately $3.9 billion worth in property was stolen during 2014. An unacceptably-high number yes, but still not as high as the billions taken by federal agents, and certainly just as unacceptable to anybody who cares about property rights and rule of law.
Learn more about predatory civil asset forfeiture on the Next Page:
Well I ain’t never!
Guess we know who the REAL theives are
So It’s There job
Sick of all this BS going on? Forget about the problems and concentrate on the solutions. A free world is waiting. The technology is here now, we only have to create the free world. Out with the old and in with the new. Its time for change. Join this group to be part of the change>https://www.facebook.com/groups/265603456982790/ .. It only takes one share from the right page and this movement starts
and so did the federal goverment
doesn’t surprise me one bit!!!
That is why weed/drugs will never be legalized
Do you think we have a problem here ?
They extort people. I had to buy my own car back for a case that was dismissed. Cost more to fight it than to pay them. They know it.