Often in libertarian mediums of discussion, the prison industrial complex and its implications on future generations is talked about. While it is true that the war on drugs greatly contributes to the mass incarceration here in the states, placing blame solely on poor drug policy isn’t helping the discussion that much.
In reality, there isn’t one clear cut reason as to why the criminal justice system is the way it is today. It’s a combination of poor policy decisions made over the course of the last half of the 20th century. One of the policies contributing to the amount of Americans behind bars is our embarrassingly long prison sentences.
The system have to be change!
how can that be when obama frees them all the time
It’s not embarr$#%&!@*ing to the victims of criminals…..it’s embarr$#%&!@*ing when Obama pardons drug dealers…terrorists…illegal aliens…
Seriously… who gets life plus 1,000 years. They are crimminals not immortals..
How many percent which care is very fair today and tomorrow. Pope, Permission, Patiently, Protection, People, Peace, Protection, Peach, Pelican, Perch,
It is also embaressing that the list of offenses keep getting longer and longer before something is done. Obey the law and you will not end up in prison.
Not long enough.
Each prison gets federal funding for each head that they have behind bars, as well as the profits from their prison factories. They are destroying lives to make money, instead of rehabilitation, they just want slave labor. That’s how you can tell that a system that places money above human life is pure evil.
There are millions of laws on the books. Every day you break a law and may not even be aware of it. Many laws are created for the sole purpose of gaining profits to support their unjust system. People who are homeless are thrown in prison for no other reason than having no money or no where to go. People who have little or no money are thrown in prison for not being able to pay for tickets that were created to create revenue. Unjust laws should be broken. Capitalism creates greed, and greed is insatiable for it empowers the wealthy and oppresses the working cl$#%&!@* and poor. Most crimes committed are because of money and oppression. It’s not following the laws that is the problem, the greedy, Satanic capitalistic system is the problem.
If you do the crime, you do the time.