Often in libertarian mediums of discussion, the prison industrial complex and its implications on future generations is talked about. While it is true that the war on drugs greatly contributes to the mass incarceration here in the states, placing blame solely on poor drug policy isn’t helping the discussion that much.
In reality, there isn’t one clear cut reason as to why the criminal justice system is the way it is today. It’s a combination of poor policy decisions made over the course of the last half of the 20th century. One of the policies contributing to the amount of Americans behind bars is our embarrassingly long prison sentences.
So what??? Do you feel guilt? Get over it,move on
Beheading would shorten the sentences a lot.
yes, but they have the death penalty that they carry out wth accuracy.
Do not jail rapists, murderers, armed robbers and so on. Have them executed, and the jails will be emptied very soon.
For some of the “rest of the world” convicted criminals are beheaded & their heads stuck on pikes for public display. In the U.S. convicted murderers doing life, child molesters & drug dealers get cable TV, MP3 players, PAID to take GED & college level cl$#%&!@*es, AND are given FREE access to LEXIS-NEXIS on computers so they can sue the state & anyone else they choose to. ALL of these things they more than likely never could’ve done while they were free. Who exactly IS running our prison system ANYWAY?
Then stay out of them obey the law simple.
I am all for chain gangs. Why let them set in the ac and think. Make them work. I like sheriff arpios ideas.
Not embarr$#%&!@*ed at all a matter of fact for most whom are career criminals, it needs to be longer!