Often in libertarian mediums of discussion, the prison industrial complex and its implications on future generations is talked about. While it is true that the war on drugs greatly contributes to the mass incarceration here in the states, placing blame solely on poor drug policy isn’t helping the discussion that much.
In reality, there isn’t one clear cut reason as to why the criminal justice system is the way it is today. It’s a combination of poor policy decisions made over the course of the last half of the 20th century. One of the policies contributing to the amount of Americans behind bars is our embarrassingly long prison sentences.
Like who cares? Do the crime do the time.
We invite any who don’t like the sentence lengths here to move to one of the other countries and take any of your criminal family members with you.
If you can’t do the time then don’t do the crime.
Death penalties should be done right of way and jail should go back to the chain gang to build roads.
Make open carry legal in all states, and the prison population will drop
you do not no mexico do you////
You say that about this but I’m sure you will jump on the “what does Mexico do with illegal immigrants” bandwagon….
Stay out of jail and you got nothing to worry about. Been locked up quite a few times. Been thugfree 20 yrs. Guess what? No funny bracelets, no rides in the back of a car ( unless wanted to) No guns drawn on me, no sudden headaches, no judges fines, attorney fees, sounds pretty boring huh? But I’m adjusting just fine. So I’m not much on excuses.