Liberals think it’s a joke when conservatives say nobody respects America anymore, but the latest incident between the US and a hostile nation shows that it’s absolutely not.
As if Iran seizing and holding American sailors in the Persian Gulf wasn’t enough, North Korea joined in with a provocative action of it’s own. Not content to test nuclear weapons against the will of the international community, the isolated Asian country is holding an American citizen in captivity.
That is, the nation revealed that it is holding an American citizen. The American, 21 year-old Otto Frederick Warmbier, has reportedly been in the custody of the North Koreans for three weeks. He was heading back to China after a visit to North Korea through the Young Pioneer Tours group when he was stopped by security at Pyongyang airport and whisked away.
The United States does not maintain an embassy in the communist state, but it deals through the Swedish embassy in Pyongyang. Both the State Department and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs are working with the Young Pioneer group to negotiate Warmbier’s release.
See how the government responded to North Korea’s provocation on the next page:
He has made us targets in our own country.
Connect the dots…..
…. Obama’s citizenship has been questioned from the beginning. He has still not provided a legal birth certificate.
…. CAIR, the Muslim brotherhood, and INSA have all been proven to have funded terrorist groups.
…. Obama’s brother is a high ranking member of the brotherhood.
…. Obama has closed door meetings with all three groups.
….. Mosque owned by the groups received grants in the millions.
…. Obama pushes to bring in Syrian refugees, that other ISLAM countries won’t.
…. Obama says ISIS is contained just before the Paris and America attacks.
…. Obama’s appointed advisors on middle eastern countries…INSA
…. Obama says climate change is a bigger threat than terrorist.
…. Obama pushes for more gun control………………………..
.. Obama, CAIR, INSA, and the Muslim brotherhood are all part of an ISLAMIC plot to change this country to an Islamic country.
Americans especially have that “it can’t happen here” attitude. But yet it is happening right in front of us. And still half the people refuse to see it…. In Sweden, France, Germany, Australia, all these countries took in refugees and now are being terrorized by them, yet Americans still believe “it can’t happen here”. Our President makes deals behind closed doors with know terrorist funding groups yet ” it can’t happen here ” our government threatens our citizens with prosecution for speaking out about Islam yet ” it can’t happen here”. 14 people are killed by terrorist when the neighbors knew something was up ahead of time but to afraid of being persecuted for bigotry to say anything yet “it can’t happen here”. Facebook allows ISIS to use its sites to recruit new members and no one even ask why… yet ” it can’t happen here”
My question is…what the hell is he doing in N. Korea? Stupid.
A lot unless he is stopped
WTF was this guy doing in North Korea anyway?
No one should ever go to N. Korea ever!!
Obama will do ALL he can to destroy America .
Why in the hell would an American go into these countries that take our people hostage? They are putting us into a real bad situation. Obama will pay North Korea to get them back an put a price on Americans over seas. Americans need to stay the hell out of these countries. I know we want them back. However if you are stupid enough to over there, then be willing to stay there as a hostage.
I am tired of having to bail these idiots out knowing we have no business in these hostile countries. Quit putting us in the position to have to negotiate with them to get your stupid asses released. I hate having Americans held there, however, this is just stupid on their part. For crying out loud, use your brain.