Donald Trump has taken heat for the travel ban ordered he ordered shortly after he assumed the presidency, but less than a week after the plan was halted, Trump’s position has been vindicated by statistics.
The hasty and confusing implementation of Trump’s travel ban has been accredited to the need for a speedy rollout. According to Trump, announcement of the impending ban would have invited a wave of potentially dangerous aliens into the United States.
At the time, Trump’s reasoning was theoretical and the ban was still in place. Now that the ban has been put on hold, the situation Trump had warned against is now upon us. People in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Libya and Yemen now know that a ban is likely going to occur — and they’ve responded exactly the way Trump said they would.
See the potentially dangerous unintended consequences of the hold on the next page:
DIRECT ORDERS AND VIEWS GROSSLY OVERLOOKED, hope not even 1 of them “refugees” is bad news…if that happens or worse then the STATE DEPARTMENT HAS BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS!
Fly them all to Guantonomo and vett them there.
Let’s hope their crimes get in the news for once! These people obey only Koran, Sheria Law and Hadith! They will never obey our laws!
Why aren’t these young men fighting for their country rather than running away
Stop the invasion.
We keep hearing how it takes a refugee two years to make it through the system. How then can there be a surge? That would mean the surge began 2 YEARS AGO.
Now the killing will start from these terrorist who mix in with immigrants, this is what you liberal bastards want!!!
Is there no end to these sick minded people
Of course we are paying them to come and supporting while the working people are paying for it nice. We are fools
Look at all those young men!! If they were really refugee’s… There would be mostly women, children and senior citizens!!