Donald Trump has taken heat for the travel ban ordered he ordered shortly after he assumed the presidency, but less than a week after the plan was halted, Trump’s position has been vindicated by statistics.
The hasty and confusing implementation of Trump’s travel ban has been accredited to the need for a speedy rollout. According to Trump, announcement of the impending ban would have invited a wave of potentially dangerous aliens into the United States.
At the time, Trump’s reasoning was theoretical and the ban was still in place. Now that the ban has been put on hold, the situation Trump had warned against is now upon us. People in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Libya and Yemen now know that a ban is likely going to occur — and they’ve responded exactly the way Trump said they would.
See the potentially dangerous unintended consequences of the hold on the next page:
But our immigration people and border patrol has been directed to enforce the law to the max
We need an executive order on emergency vetting…..
So these people are refugees and have nothing who the hell is paying for them to get here?
Unfortunate at this time, HOWEVER, they will be sent back FASTER than they got in!! Trump is not a wimp and WILL do the right thing!!
its time to start killing the islamic goat fucking muslims and use the koran as toilet paper
An invading army. Thank you dimocrats!
If they are given a VISA they have rights. They need to be stopped before then.
Trump is being delayed bringing in his people to clear out the liberals Obama put in charge of the tech and office jobs by the dimocrats who are slow walking his appointees. These people can do a lot of harm. Trump needs to clear out all those that Obama brought into government jobs. Evidently there were no security clearances done. 30 years ago I was just a clerk, had been cleared by the FBI in a previous gov. job, and had another security clearance when I went back to work after raising a family. My life was an open book, yet the FBI paid my neighbors visits and asked questions about me. Perfectly right to do so. So how did 3 muslims get very important high end security jobs? ‘WOW! 3 MUSLIM BROTHERS Working For Dems In Congress CAUGHT Accessing Unauthorized Top-Secret Government Intel…One Has Criminal Background…May Have Ties To Muslim Brotherhood ‘. No wonder dims were fighting so hard against Sessions. What has happened to our government? Trump is trying to protect America and he is being hampered and interferred with by Dims, press, liberals, protestors, judges, courts, and educators. We had one in Tenn. just fired for making Trump death threats. Wake up America. They don’t want to give up the fundamental changes’ they made to our country over 20 years. The Soros Open Borders traitors and their USEFUL IDIOTS who are doing the bidding of the elite who want complete control of America are enemies of our Representative Republic.
where are the WOMEN?????
Detain them if they get here before going into society