Donald Trump has taken heat for the travel ban ordered he ordered shortly after he assumed the presidency, but less than a week after the plan was halted, Trump’s position has been vindicated by statistics.
The hasty and confusing implementation of Trump’s travel ban has been accredited to the need for a speedy rollout. According to Trump, announcement of the impending ban would have invited a wave of potentially dangerous aliens into the United States.
At the time, Trump’s reasoning was theoretical and the ban was still in place. Now that the ban has been put on hold, the situation Trump had warned against is now upon us. People in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Libya and Yemen now know that a ban is likely going to occur — and they’ve responded exactly the way Trump said they would.
See the potentially dangerous unintended consequences of the hold on the next page:
If an attack happens. Charge the judges blocking the president ban with treason. American citizen endangerment is UnConstitutional, and warrants an example being made.
Liberals and democrats just loved it when Oregon liberal judge stopped the ban on these countries. I say let them in and put them in New York and California so they can love on them even more. They won’t be to happy when they knock on schumer, pelosi and warrens door. Then you will here a different tune. They should do their jobs protecting America , the constitution and the enforcing the laws already on the books.
Fire them all and replace. No severance, just an unemployment line
This is wrong for the USA
Cant President Trump cut funding to get them here
It’s a 2 year vetting process…remember?
we don’t want them in the USA!!!
Please tell me how they got here, sure as hell cant walk that far. Democrats must have bought the plane tickets and promised them 37 virgins.
They aren’t going to place these people on the coast, they will place them in middle America like they always have. Why do you think Dearborn is now a Muslim city? Is because the government places immigrants in middle America where it is cheaper to live and the state economies are more stable.
If you don’t want things like this to happen you are going to have to form protests like the left does, bitching on Facebook does literally nothing. You are going to have to form giant counter protests and I guarantee it will get violent. We are in a time where we are dividing info far right and far left. There is not much middle ground anymore. That’s when clashes happen. Either this immigration will get wildly out of hand and fit the next 4 years trump will have anything he plans blocked by liberal judges just because it’s trump and he will then be seen as ineffective. Or we will have to form groups and fight this out, literally fight this out. We will have to campaign heavily to remove these judges, to establish judges, governors and senators of our own. We have turned into a country of extremes somehow, I don’t know how it happened, someone smarter than me can explain it but regardless that’s how it’s become. When that happens the group that fights harder wins. That’s what it’s going to eventually boil down to.