A video presentation by Harvard Law School student, Barack Obama, broadcast in 1995 and ‘lost’ in the archives reveals the future president’s basic motivations. This was a segment from Channel 37 Cambridge Municipal Television’s “Author Series” in which Obama discusses his book, Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.
Obama’s communist influences and socialist attitudes were there to see for any who watched and listened. Sadly, a mixture of willful neglect and voter apathy led the mainstream media and opponents to the Democrats election machine to ignore this evidence. Almost nobody noticed that Obama had all the characteristics of a budding socialist nightmare in office.
Was This Video Evidence Concealed? View the clip after the break (below).
Obama doesn’t reveal the identity of the mysterious mentor-figure cited 22 times in his book, called only ‘Frank’. In the audio version of his book, all references to ‘Frank’ were eliminated.
In 2008 we discovered that “Frank” was Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis, a figure who had a 600-page FBI file devoted to him, yet the media never questioned Obama about the exact nature of the relationship with Davis while he was growing up in Hawaii.
Watch the video “Lost” in the archives after the break:
well all of you obama lover got what you votid for
this is the true person he really is. Sickening isnt it. But they will never diss him, hes a dem a liberal and black, so he gets away with everything.
He could have been so much to our country, It’s sad he was good looking, charismatic and smart not to mention what could have been in the history books as first black president by him, A real legacy about the greatness he made us believe he would bring for America. Just sad!
—- he really is a racist anti-American—-my opinion
I sure hope you people have never ever said anything at any time in your life that might have been subject to change.
“Let me see if I got this. The third story on the news tonight was that someone I didn’t know thirteen years ago when I wasn’t president participated in a demonstration where no laws were being broken in protest of something that so many people were against, it doesn’t exist anymore. Just out of curiosity, what was the fourth story?” — Andrew Shepard, “The American President”
And for you-all who like to blog your garbage:
Sydney Ellen Wade: [to the President, who might as well be President Obama] (from the same movie) “This isn’t about me. How can you keep quiet? How do you have patience for people who claim they love America, but clearly can’t stand Americans?”
Marcee your loss. Believe in FOX News and you will believe a lie.
Funny, this is not Fox news. Rev Manning is a black pastor reporting the truth. obama’s brother was interviewed , not by fox news. I watched the whole taping. Sounds like you are the one who is unbelievable. All of you lie so you think everyone else is lying.
CNN created this. I used to watch CNN for ALL my news. Never viewed FOX. I also read the newspaper….around 2007, I noticed that CNN ‘changed’. Newspaper articles that were NOT AP articles contradicted CNN reports. So, I decided to go see OTHER news sources…FOX IS more accurate. CNN sold it’s soul to the Democratic Party. I used to watch Jon Stewart too-until he became NOT funny and just Political. We all grow up.
Hey…Chill with the hate…lol
Haa..! Haa…! Haa…! All you racist are pissed because President Obama revoked your White privileged cards…lol