A video presentation by Harvard Law School student, Barack Obama, broadcast in 1995 and ‘lost’ in the archives reveals the future president’s basic motivations. This was a segment from Channel 37 Cambridge Municipal Television’s “Author Series” in which Obama discusses his book, Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.
Obama’s communist influences and socialist attitudes were there to see for any who watched and listened. Sadly, a mixture of willful neglect and voter apathy led the mainstream media and opponents to the Democrats election machine to ignore this evidence. Almost nobody noticed that Obama had all the characteristics of a budding socialist nightmare in office.
Was This Video Evidence Concealed? View the clip after the break (below).
Obama doesn’t reveal the identity of the mysterious mentor-figure cited 22 times in his book, called only ‘Frank’. In the audio version of his book, all references to ‘Frank’ were eliminated.
In 2008 we discovered that “Frank” was Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis, a figure who had a 600-page FBI file devoted to him, yet the media never questioned Obama about the exact nature of the relationship with Davis while he was growing up in Hawaii.
Watch the video “Lost” in the archives after the break:
Maybe I should have known, but I never heard of him until he was running for president and I definitely never voted for him at all and never would
Sorry S.O.B. needs to go to prison!!!!!!!!
Ignorant people are the only ones who believe Obama is out to destroy America. He has been one of the best modern-day Presidents in American history and time will tell. There is no nothing any of the racist and bigoted people can say or do that will change the fact that he is a two-time President and elected democratically. America has only gotten better since he took over from George Bush.
His family speaks against him, his followers are becoming fewer every day but he still has a cabinet full of Muslims. He is ruthless with no heart for any one but himself. he would be thrown from hell so fast he would never know what hit him and his speaches are liers with sick messages. he has hurt the black people more than any other president before him , and deagged us all to the water but some of us will not drink of his poision. I have prayed for a lot in my life and most have be granted, maybe not how I wanted but a good answer none the less. My prayer is now for him to get out of THE AMERICAN PEOPLE’S HOUSE and go to hell, if they will have you.
Knew this before he was elected….. But the sheeple of this great land STILL voted him in!!!
same here,always knew,never voted for him,we’ve seen nothing yet,watch….
This woman tried to contact the FBI and they wouldn’t listen to her Check out “The Manning Report”, Mia Marie Pope, barry soetoro’s cl$#%&!@*mates. They knew him as a foreigner, pathological liar, con, and a crack cocaine user/seller. Then one day, all of sudden, he is going to one of the richest schools being groomed for POTUS by george soros and the secret societies. This shows how sick our government has become ………no has been for a very long time. These rich elites, societies have nothing better to do than to manipulate and enslave people for their fun.
Mia Marie Poe, cl$#%&!@*mate of barry’s tried to contact the FBI and told them but they wouldn’t listen and wouldn’ call her back.
Still a punk!
The traitor in chief.