In a 1995 video presentation ‘lost’ in the archives and in his book, Dreams From My Father, Barack Obama revealed to his audience his basic motivations. They were there to see for any who looked and listened. But through a mix of willful neglect and voter apathy, the mainstream media and opponents to the Democratic Party machine never focused on this evidence. Few people noticed that Obama had all the ingredients to become a socialist nightmare in office.
Obama never revealed the identity of a mysterious mentor cited in his book 22 times only as ‘Frank’. In the audio version of his book, all references to ‘Frank’ were deleted.
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Why is he still free? Arrest the scumbag already, and don’t forget Hillary and the rest of them!! They all were in on the tyranny including Biden which you notice no one ever brings up in all their scandals of tyranny, deceit, treason!!
Too little, too late – the damage is done! Here’s a fact – Trump is POTUS and & Hillary is not. Ain’t reality such a$#%&!@* lo9l
What’s wrong bob does the truth hurt . You must have voted for a black$#%&!@*antichrist. You poor thing I bet you would take a bullet for him. Is he your hero Bob the$#%&!@*hesd.
Never american. Never legal president.
Francisco Amezcua LENSCRAFTERS 4 U
To Ivan Skrywer: A part of your ridiculous comment you stated “Our best President Obama is going nowhere….lies lies”. YOU are an ignorant bastard that lives in Namibia!! How does anything that’s American affect you?? You are as insignificant as your stupid opinion!! Ugh….
Everyone DID look! Msm, and ‘elected’ officials… one would listen because of the fear of being called a racist for some reason…….and, those who had dirt on them covered everything up!
The groups that are responsible and not only payed him millions to bring as much destruction to American soil. The separation and hate was fueled by the wealthy that planned this agenda to weaken our military, fuel As many riots in major cities.$#%&!@*started with the young children, filling them with propagand. Then the media had a lesson in COMMUNISM was told what to say. Throw out any negative history by burning books. OBAMA went after statues, constitution, anything he said his cabinet had it done.THE first time i ever heard of him was on TV in DENVER talking about change. The groups behind him had change alright.I knew without a doubt he was a dangerous and evil person.The same democrats that has been on that stage year after year new this was the chance of a life time. His black, can actually read his speeches but when your picked and won by voter fraud. It should have ended there. But we instead let an unknown Muslim brotherhood organization come to advise this enemy named OBAMA with bad intentions. BLM had his agenda to start trouble any where they could. The checks were rolling in from groups that are linked to the same people that have billions but need that ego fix. Own AMERICA But these same control phanatics cannot get it that we will never hand our guns over to the very people who wants to destroy our country. Obamas spent over 128 million tax dollars for 8 years of screwing AMERICA.There will never be trials for.These crimes because once the politicians become puppets the money will not stop and they will continue this tyranny until they are removed by THE PEOPLE. Time Has run out for those political correct traitors. tthey cannot be trusted any longer.
He was eashed in . Not voted in
It just goes to show you that our media are masters at dressing up a$#%&!@*and making it look like moose pie.