In a 1995 video presentation ‘lost’ in the archives and in his book, Dreams From My Father, Barack Obama revealed to his audience his basic motivations. They were there to see for any who looked and listened. But through a mix of willful neglect and voter apathy, the mainstream media and opponents to the Democratic Party machine never focused on this evidence. Few people noticed that Obama had all the ingredients to become a socialist nightmare in office.
Obama never revealed the identity of a mysterious mentor cited in his book 22 times only as ‘Frank’. In the audio version of his book, all references to ‘Frank’ were deleted.
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I AGREE!!!!!!!
Biggest covered up fraud ever. But now he’ll get what’s coming to him, Firing Squad
I have been called pretty much any name you can think of over illegal obambi. Even been kicked off FB for saying he is illegal. My question has been how can this be? Illegal obambi came from Kenya as a foreign aid student then years later say oh no im an American born citizen can’t be both ways. Omg they go off on me. His grandparents lived at Peru Kansas. Know people that knew them and they were communist sympathizers. Didn’t go well in this part of the country.
I didn’t vote for him because I didn’t trust him, and I was a Democrat then!
B******t this was question several times. The dam Democrats knew and hide this fact. Obama and all the major leaders in Democrats should be charged with Treason.
James Soros isn’t giving out raises. Wait for November 4th and scream at the sky. Maybe then.
The ones that had the power had looked in advance and they handpicked this little socialist anti-American.
Many of us have known for some time. People just refused to see it or a acknowledge it.
He has always been a traitor and always will be a traitor he’s got to be arrested for high treason and executed and coordinate with the law
Bozo the POS shouldn’t be breathing traitor to America! Ignorant hypocrite!